Screen Divider Help

Distance, angles and parallel lines at your fingertips.

Screen Divider Help


Screen Divider Explained

Screen Divider  - Control the Divider


    - can be dragged up or down to modify the width of the Screen Divider arms 
    - can be dragged up or down to modify the length of the Screen Divider arms 
    - can be dragged up or down to modify the radius of the Screen Divider. The radius represents the distance between the two big circles of the Screen Divider 
    - can be dragged up or down to modify the Screen Divider opacity. 
    - is used to modify the distance between any two arms of the Screen Divider



Screen Divider  - Context Menu



    - right click anywhere on the Screen Divider and the associated context menu will appear

    - the "Units" menu option changes the Unit of measurement for the Screen Divider 

    - the "Divider Mode" menu option changes the way the arms are displayed

    - the "Copy Distance" menu option copies into the Clipboard the distance between any two divider arms

    - the "Copy Angle" menu option copies into the Clipboard the angle of the Screen Divider

    - the "Copy Line Length" menu option copies into the Clipboard the arm length of the Screen Divider

    - the "Results Container" menu option shows a window in which the Cobb angle measurement could be shown (the Cobb angle measurement will be shown only if you enable it)

    - the "Show Cobb Angle" menu option enables the measurement of the "Cobb" angle

    - the "Show Line Length" menu option shows the arm length of the Screen Divider (it is shown near the right bottom of the "Length" control)

    - the "Show Easy View" menu option shows the middle arm of the Screen Divider right over the big circle which shows the distance measurement and also makes transparent the center point of this circle. This is especially usefull when you want to position the Screen Divider on a fixed point.

    - the "Show Control Panel" menu option shows the "Control Panel" window which allows you to start new Screen Dividers and access application settings.

    - the "Skins" menu option allows you to change the way the Screen Divider looks

    - the "Line Color" menu option allows you to change the color of the Screen Divider arms

    - the "Add New" menu option has sub menu options allowing you to:

         - add a new arm to the Screen Divider

         - add a new Screen Divider to the scene

    - the "Remove" menu option allows you to remove one arm from the Screen Divider  

    - the "Help Window" menu option shows (if it is hidden) or hides (if it is visible) a window in which you can see instructions which the Screen Divider understands. Typing these instructions and hitting Enter allows you to control the Screen Divider using your keyboard.

    - the "Take Off" menu option sets the Screen Divider angle to 270 degrees and moves it toward the top of the screen. Once it has dissapeared the Screen Divider will no longer be accessible but you can start a new one (or new ones) using the Control Panel window.  

    - the "Close Divider" menu option removes the Screen Divider from the scene but you can start a new one (or new ones) using the Control Panel window.

    - the "Exit" menu option closes the Screen Divider application. All visible Screen Dividers will be closed. If you want to add a Screen Divider to the scene after clicking this menu option you will have to start the Screen Divider application again.


Screen Divider - Cobb Angle

    - to measure the Cobb Angle you need to have 2 Screen Dividers visible on screen

    - align any arm of one divider with one vertebra and align any arm of the other divider with the other vertebra

    - right click any of the Screen Dividers (anywhere you want) and select "Show Cobb Angle". This will show the Results window and after you click again on any of the two Dividers you'll see the Cobb angle measurement inside the Results window.

    - you can also read the Cobb angle by calculating how many degrees are between the two dividers.


Screen Divider - Control Panel


    - the "Show Control Panel" menu option shows the "Control Panel" window which allows you to start new Screen Dividers and access application settings.

    - the "Divider Name" field contains a name which will be assigned to a Screen Divider when you press the "Start New Divider" menu option. You can enter any name here as long as it is not taken by an existing Screen Divider or you may click the refresh button right next to this field to randomly choose a name for this field.

    - the "Unit" field allows you to specify the unit of measurement for new Screen Dividers

    - the "Line Count" field allows to specify how many arms do new Screen Dividers have

    - the "Line Length" field allows to specify the length of the Screen Divider arms.

    - the "Divider Skin" field allows to specify the skin for new Screen Dividers

    - the "Color" allows to specify the color for the Screen Divider arms

    - the "Distance" field allows to specify the distance betwee then Screen Divider arms


Once you've defined the settings for the new Screen Divider, press the "Start New Divider" button to add a new Screen Divider to the scene.


Screen Divider - Help Window

    - contains the instructions used to control the Screen Divider. Simply click the Divider anywhere you like and type  any of these instructions to perform the associated functionality.


Screen Divider - Request Features


    - you can request new Screen Divider features by clicking the blue link called "A New Feature"

    - you can request new measurement tools by clicking the blue link called "A New Measurement Tool"



Screen Divider - Application Settings


- the way the Screen Divider application is started can be controlled using the "Start on System Startup" check box. If this is not checked then Screen Divider will not start automatically at System Startup. If it is checked then you can start Screen Divider:

        - Minimized - this will put Screen Divider in the system tray

        - Maximized - this will show Screen Divider on the screen (minimizing it will send the application to Windows Tray)

    - press the "Check For Newer Version Now" button to check if a newer version for the Screen Divider application is available. If such a new version exist then a possibility to open the download page for the newer version is given.

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