
The Ultimate HTML Color Picker for Professionals

ColorPro - The Ultimate Windows Math Toolbox
For WindowsColorPro
At Iconico we've offered our free ColorPic for years. It's so popular that it is the number one downloaded colorpicker on the web, however we thought it was time we went 'Pro".

ColorPro has the same great color manipulation abilities, but with so much more. We've added webpage and image color extraction and manipulation, and advanced palette management, import and export. Once you go Pro you won't go back.
A Spectrum of Possibilities For Web Designers
One of the best parts about designing a web page is selecting the color schemes that will reach out and really grab the attention of your audience. In the past, a web designer would have to produce several different sets of the same graphic, all in different colors, just to test out different palette variations or to meet the branding needs of several clients. This would involve many hours of HTML coding, and researching and recording the various hex codes for all of the different colors that you needed to use.

Today, one simple application will revolutionize the way you work with color palettes in your web design adventures. ColorPro, the new professional edition of the popular freeware ColorPic application, not only allows you to change colors on a website on a whim, it also lets you seamlessly identify and use the color palettes of any web site that you can reach using an internet browser.
Why do you need ColorPro?
ColorPro ColorPro directly addresses an ongoing problem facing all web designers – how to quickly and effectively use different color schemes to effectively market websites to an audience that, if you’re lucky, will spend about 30 seconds on each site before clicking away.

With ColorPro, you’ll be able to store collections of color chips as palettes, with the power to create new palettes or modify existing palettes to meet changing design needs Using an intuitive user interface that loads web pages, HTML code, and graphics files in their own tabs, ColorPro gives you an easy way to precisely identify colors and acquire them for your own projects. With three options for creating your own color chips, and complete control over RGB values as well as hue, lightness, and saturation levels, ColorPro is the easiest way to integrate color management into your web development workflow.

ColorPro also excels at color management for existing websites, allowing you to set new colors for various elements of your site with just a few clicks. Now, trying out a new color scheme for your website doesn’t involve hours of manual recoding!

This abundance of flexible features makes ColorPro an indispensable part of your development toolkit! As an added bonus, there’s the Magnifier Window, which offers an enlarged view of anything that you hover your cursor over. The Magnifier Window gives you the ability to zoom in to a web page or image, down to a single pixel, to ensure that you’ll get exactly the color that you’re looking for!

ColorPro runs on Windows 2000, Me, NT, XP, Vista, 7, 8.
  • You may download the feature limited trial, and evaluate the software for as long as you need
  • Single User license is only $29.95
  • We offer a risk free 30 day money back guarantee


Below are several screenshots of ColorPro.

Main Screen - Palettes View

Color Pickers View

RGB/HSV Picker

Color Sliders Picker

Color Wheel Picker

CMYK Color Picker

Complement Color Picker

Palette Modifier - Using Color Sliders

Palette Modifier - Using Color Filters

New Color Palette Window

Color Editor - Color Variations

Color Editor - Color Blender

Website Modifier and Website Color Palette Screen

Settings - ColorPro Behavior
Do you want to get ColorPro for free? Then click HERE.

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