Screen Compass

Tips on Getting Started

Screen Compass
Screen CompassAfter you've installed the Screen Compass you should find using the tool straightforward. You can use the tips below to get the most out of the Compass and use it like a pro.
Top Tips on Getting Started Using the Screen Compass
1. Moving the Compass
Using the mouse you can quickly and easily move the Compass around the screen to measure any area. Move the entire Compass by clicking and dragging the left side.

Shown on the left is how you can enlarge the area measured; simply click and drag the right side of the Compass.

You can also click the arrow buttons to move and extend the Compass by a single pixel.

The number displayed is the radius of the circle in pixels.
2. Changing What You Are Measuring
By clicking the button above the measurement readout you can easily change which part of the shape you are measuring. You can change quickly between Radius, Circumference, and Area, and the display will update to show you the result in the units you have selected, in this example pixels.

The options are also listed on the menu which can be activated by clicking the menu icon.

3. Changing the Shape
To change the shape that the Compass measures you can select from any of the shapes listed under the 'Shape' menu. As well as the circle the Compass has options from triangle to a thirty-nine sided polygon.

When changing shapes the value of the measurement always stays the same; the Compass will adjust it's size to always measure the same circumference or area, if that's what it's currently measuring.

There's a lot more to the Compass, including a huge array of extra keyboard controls. Just press 'F1' or choose 'Help' from the options menu and you can read full details of what's available.

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