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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

I just installed Vista and am disappointed to discover that ColorPic doesn't work with it. I've had this same sort of reaction with at least two other programs that interact with the Vista screen.

I've tried running it in Compatability mode with XP SP2 without any success as well. Has anyone else had a resolved this problem
by Jesse Balk on Mar 1 2007 3:43pm Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

We're currently in testing for all our applications in Vista and we'll be posting updates hopefully this month. Please bear with us.
by Nico Westerdale on Mar 1 2007 9:08pm Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

Can color picker be used with Linux?
by K Kumar on Apr 5 2007 3:51am Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

Sorry ColorPic is for Windows only.
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 5 2007 5:10am Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

colorpic is a great utility.. been using it for a while on XP, but now I'm on a new machine running vista!

Hope to see a release that is compatible with vista in the near future.

Keep up the good work.

by Levi Lewis on Apr 17 2007 4:26pm Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

Strange, I am having no issues running it with Vista at all. Great program. I use it for skinning Invision Power Boards, can't live without it. Great Program...thanks!!
by Larry Baird on Apr 22 2007 8:38am Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

I was looking for something better than the comp copy of CoffeeCup's color picker program when I found ColorPic. I like it even though I'm recently on a Vista machine.

I can pick and create a pallet OK, but when I re-open the program it generates an error: Can't find/load the pallets. Not even the built-in ones.

It's still somewhat useful to me at times and I use it. I haven't gone looking for another program cuz I'm hoping a fix will come along so I can use ColorPic. It will be worth the wait.
by P. Joseph Larson on Oct 6 2007 6:58pm Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

We've checked and the application does seem to work on Vista. I'd suggest reinstalling or checking if your user has admin rights, that might be the bug.
by Nico Westerdale on Oct 30 2007 4:23pm Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

Hiya Jesse.

I was rather upset as well when I could not get the program to work now that I have Vista Home Premium.

It's such a fabulous tool to have isn't it?

I hope the creators find solutions and let us know so we can download a patch or a new version of the program.

I hope all is well with you.

John - Adelaide, Australia
Meet me at http://myspace.com/dawizonline if you want to. :o)
by John dawizonline on Jun 11 2007 6:51am Reply

ColorPic doesn't work with Vista?

The problem is ColorPic wants to write to the Programs file. This a no-no on Vista. User accounts do not have admin rights and therefore can't write to the programs file. Part of the security of Vista.

The correct way for programs to handle this is to write user data in the user's home folder, ideally in a location specified by the user.

Storing user data in the program file is a hold over from the old DOS and early Windows days.
by Lyle on Jul 18 2009 8:08pm Reply

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