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Screen Protractor
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Work with engineering plans or designs to measure degrees or radians on your screen.
Posted in the Screen Protractor Forum.
how to determine skin size ( for SDK moveto )
using SDK imported type library
How can the skin bitmap width/height be determined
to accurately position the crosshair centre on screen
when using the .moveto procedure ?
( I want to position the protractor on a stock chart )
By trial and error I see that the default skin is 141x141
so subtracting 70 from the desired screen x and y works
I can see the IIconicoProtractor interface has a "skins" property, and the IIconicoProtractorSkins interface has a "SelectedSkin" property
and a "SkinFolder" property - do I have to figure out which skin
folder to read the .ini file from to get the "BaseRect" top,left,width,height ?