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Image Filter Pro 100
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Delicious Image Effects and Transformations
Posted in the Image Filter Pro 100 Forum.
Image Filter Pro extensions
If you are a .Net programer then you could use Image Filter Pro 100 to create and use your own filters. More information about this can be found here:
There you can find an example on how to create your own filters (as DLLs). Just open the Visual Studio solution and you will see three projects there:
- GeneralCustomFilter - this is a Windows Forms project which helps you test your newly created filters
- CustomFilterExample1 - this contains a class called "CustomFilterExample1.cs" which contains the actual filter definition
- ApplicationObjectInterface - this contains the interfaces needed to be implemented in your own filter class you are going to create
You can even use this solution to create your own filter by simply duplicating the contents of the CustomFilterExample1.cs file and creating a new class (in the same project).
Once you have this new class you can modify the filter definition to your liking.
Once you have a DLL filter created, you can import it in Image Filter Pro and use it like any other filter. Importing the filter in Image Filter Pro can be done easily and all you have to do is point to the folder where the DLL filter exist. Please notice that all files in that folder will be considered as beeing needed by the filter and this means that they will all be copied by Image Filter Pro in a special place where the DLL filter definitions are stored.
Creating your own filter means that you have to inherit from two interfaces and here is the example in C#:
public class CustomFilterExample1 : IFPFilter, IFPFilterMethods
This means that you have to have a .Net assembly (made in either C# or VB.Net). In this assembly you can create whatever functionality you want, even accessing other non .Net DLLs (using DLLImport statements). For example you might want to access filters made in C/C++.
For example:
- if you already have some filters you created in .Net then you could integrate them in Image Filter Pro by creating a new DLL image filter (using the test project above as an example) in which you can simply access the functionality of your own filters. In this case the DLL image filter you create would simply call the filtering functionality of your own filters.
- if you already have some filters you created in a language like C/C++ then you could integrate them in Image Filter Pro by creating a new DLL image filter (using the test project above as an example) in which you can access the functionality of your own filters using DLLImport statements. In this case the DLL image filter you create would simply call the filtering functionality of your own filters. For working with DLLImport please refer to this link:
The current version 1.0 of Image Filter Pro does not offer any extra functionality for DLL filters but this is an idea we will take into considerations in future versions of the application.
We also have in mind the creation of plugins which will consist of a graphical user interface (unlike DLL filters) and have access to extra Image Filter Pro filters and extra functionality.
The current version 1.0 applies the filters on the entire image and not on parts of the image.
Thank You!