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Posted in the SeaGreen Forum.
FAQ: Why can't I find the error log on my Mac?
If SeaGreen displays an error, you will want to immediately open a
support ticket and attach the SeaGreen error log to your request.
The error log is located here:
Where [username] represents your user name on the Mac.
Because the metadata directory and log file have a dot in front of them,
they may be hidden from you by default. Some files are intentionally
hidden to protect you from accidentally changing important system files.
However, sometimes you need to access them.
To unhide these files, type the following commands in the Mac Terminal.
The Terminal is located at
Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
Copy & paste these commands and hit Enter:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to quit';
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to activate';
This will show all files and reboot the Finder for you.
When you want to hide these files again simply change the word "TRUE" to