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For WindowsColorPro

ColorPro iconThe Ultimate HTML Color Picker for Professionals

Posted in the ColorPro Forum.

ColorPro 2.4 Released

ColorPro 2.4 has been released. Some of these improvements are added as a result of your requests. To update to this new version you will have to quit any previously installed ColorPro version if they are running then download and install ColorPro 2.4.

Updates to any new version of ColorPro (minor or major) are and will be free. Here are the new improvements implemented in version 2.4:

- export buttons can now be created. An export button allows you to select one or more palettes, press the "export button" and have the selected palette(s) exported to the export format associated with that button.

- join palettes. Simple select one or more color palettes and a new color palette will be created containing the color chips of all selected palettes.

- changed the way the editing functionality for a color palette works. There is now a clear distinction between editing the color palettes properties (such as name, description, colors per row, file name) and the color chip information inside the palette.

- added big color tooltips which appear for a short period of time after important tasks such as saving, duplicating deleting palettes in the 'Edit Palettes' tab. Also added them in the 'User Palettes' tab and several other places. There is now a new setting called "Onscreen tooltips" which allows you to enable or disable the big colored tooltips.

- preview palette functionality has been added. Simply hover over a palette (can be User, System or Deleted palette) and the colors inside the palette which is currently under the mouse cursor will be rendered in the preview window. You can either click the preview window and press Escape or right click it and choose the Close menu button to close it. The preview functionality is enabled every time ColorPro starts.

- changing user palettes folder is now possible. You can now change the folder in which ColorPro stores the palettes you create

- right clicking the palettes now allows opening the containing folder or the palette file. The palette file can be opened either using Notepad or the default application associated with the XML extension. Since the color palette files are XML files, in some cases the default application associated for opening the XML files may be different than notepad.

- the generated color chips in the 'Edit Colors' section have been limited to user's choice. You can still create as many color chips as you want but a limit on how many you can create had to be imposed because of the Windows OS 'User Objects' variable. After you've reached your limit you can delete the generated color chips and start creating new ones.

- the height of the export file format section is now remembered. When you quit ColorPro the height of the export file format section is saved and will be used to restore the height of that section when  ColorPro is started again.

by Constantin Florea on Dec 31 2010 7:37am Reply

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