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Screen Tracing Paper
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Transparent blueprint software for your computer screen that allows you to trace and measure over any application.
Posted in the Screen Tracing Paper Forum.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I'd like to try Screen Tracing paper on my windows 7 computer (x64). I downloaded and installed this soft, but, afterwards when I run it by double-clicking the desktop shortcut (or the executable), nothing happens.
I try to reboot computer, to uninstall and install the soft again, to use the XP compatibility mode but Scren Tracing Paper doesn't run on my computer.
This soft was installed on C:\program files(x86)
I use Windows 7 x64 with an nVidia graphic card and a CoreĀ² duo processor.
Thank you.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I am sorry you're getting this issue. Screen Tracing Paper is compatible with Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 versions).
Could you please try installing the program as an Administrator?
Also, not sure if you've tried the following procedure which works for some Screen Calipers installations on Windows 7 64 bit.
Step 1 : Start your computer and install Screen Tracing Paper. Then try to run it and it most probably won't run.
Step 2: Uninstall Screen Tracing Paper, restart your computer and install Screen Tracing Paper again (this second time do not use XP compatibility mode but try to install the program again). Then try running the application.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
Unhappy, I uninstalled STP, install it again as an administrator with antivirus disabled, run as an administrator .... but always nothing.
I try to run STP with the desktop shortcut, the *exe...
I try another computer : same results !
What can I do ?
Are you really sure that STP is Windows 7 compatible ?
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I add that when I run the soft, in the Windows Task Manager, tracinpaper.exe die after 4 or 5 seconds....
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
Is Iconico doing ANYTHING to address the failure of this program on Windows 7 Pro (Quad Core i7)? Suggestions on forum have no effect.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I installed the STP on my Windows 7 Professional PC today and had no problem at all running it and using it. Not sure what others are doing, but I downloaded the application then hit RUN and it installed on my desktop. At the end of the installation I responded to open the application and it came right up in the download screen. Sorry to hear others are having issues but I have had Windows 7 since it came out and have installed many of my older programs with some success and some failures.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I have downloaded a trial version of the programme as it would appear to answer a current need.
As described in the posts above, ( 3 years ago) I cannot persuade it to run under Windows 7.
Has anybody come up with a "fix" yet ? as I really want to purchase and use it.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I have downloaded a trial version of the programme as it would appear to answer a current need.
As described in the posts above, ( 3 years ago) I cannot persuade it to run under Windows 7.
Has anybody come up with a "fix" yet ? as I really want to purchase and use it.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I just noticed and read again the posts above. Unfortunately we haven't come up with a solution to the issue mentioned in the posts.
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I just purchased screen tracing paper and it will not install on my windows 7 pro. I am having the same problem. How about a refund?
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I just purchased screen tracing paper and it will not install on my windows 7 pro. I am having the same problem. How about a refund?
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
I have just sent the request in our e-Commerce to refund the
$19.50 for Screen Tracing Paper.
Please allow for a couple of hours before the refund is fully
Screen Tracing Paper doesn't run on Windows 7
Screen Tracing
Paper should work on Windows 7. I have it working on two Windows 7 Ultimate machines:
one is a 32 bits and the other a 64 bits machine.
Could you please let me know
the issue you encounter while trying to run the application on your Windows 7