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Posted in the Iconico.com General Software Forum.

Buy Everything!

Hey Nico!

Nico, I think you should create a software package that consists of all the software you've created at a relatively "well adjusted" price! (you know... like a Combo meal menu kind of thing)?

by Evan Hindra on Apr 1 2005 7:16pm Reply

Buy Everything!


Thanks for the suggestion. With the forthcomming release of our new measurement tool the "Screen Compass" we're going to be creating a "Screen Measurement Pack". This way you can purchase the Calipers, Protractor and Compass at a reduced price when you buy all three.

As we add more software titles over the next few months then we may well add more combo packs, or value meals as you call them!

by Nico Westerdale on Apr 4 2005 9:08am Reply

Buy Everything!

How about special upgrade prices for users that already own some of your software. I currently own Caliper and Protractor and would like to purchase Compass as well, but as there's a discount on the bundle of all three, I would appreciate a similar discount for upgraders as well. What's your point of view on this?

Rainer Hiller
by Rainer Hiller on May 31 2005 2:17am Reply

Buy Everything!


Thanks for the message, and I agree, I would like to offer the Screen Measurement pack for those who have a copy of the Calipers or the Protractor already. I've looked into it and I think the easiest way would be for you, and anyone else whos interested, is to pay the difference using our PayPal account. If you'd like to do this then please email me off list and I can send out the correct notification for you.

Thanks for your support!
by Nico Westerdale on May 31 2005 11:16pm Reply

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