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Our Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.
Posted in the ColorPic Forum.
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Will there be a version of ColorPic for Mac OS X in the future?
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Perhapse, but for now we don't have any plans to make it.
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
From the tone of your post you sound a little frustrated, I don't see how our company is being disrespectful. You might be interested to learn that we have Mac versions of some of our products including the Screen Calipers.
As a business it comes down to cost and time. We outsource Mac development so we find it hard to justify paying a developer what would be several months of work to produce a free product like ColorPic. Unfortunatly that's just the reality of the situation.
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Along with Green Flame Productions, I too, hope to see a mac version of colorpic. Hats-off to a wonderful program you guys provide. I have searched high and low for a color picker and this is the best one found on both platforms (PC and Mac).
I assume that the color picker's demographic is web designers primarily because it does hex values and short-cut color picking extremely well. Since I am a web designer, I have to use PC and Mac to do testing. I would much appreciate it if colorpic was also on OSX.
My frustration is not with your company, it is with the other color pickers in comparison to yours.
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Well we certinaly appreciate your response. We will look into the feasability and see if there is any way to make it.
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Here's another Mac user wishing you the best in finding a generous developer to help port your fantastic program. Many thanks,
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Another Mac user that loves the product but can't use it on her beloved mac. I use both and seems like with software like this I am forced to use both just to be able to use good software...come on make us an osx version we will love it long time...
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
People, a feature like this is already included in MAC OSX... It's called "DigitalColor Meter" :)
PS: I use this version on Windows and I love it
Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?
Thank you so much for pointing me to digital color meter already installed on my mac. I do get tired of mac being left out of the software loop!