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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Will there be a version of ColorPic for Mac OS X in the future?
by Gordon M on Oct 11 2007 12:25am Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Perhapse, but for now we don't have any plans to make it.
by Nico Westerdale on Oct 11 2007 8:43am Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

No one ever thinks of us mac users out there... There are more and more mac users out there all the time, but yet there are still so many companies out there that have no respect to make a mac version just the same. At least apple makes pc versions of the same like itunes, quicktime, safari, etc... Maybe someday PC companies will have the same respect that Apple has!


by Green Flame Productions on Oct 11 2007 3:22pm Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

From the tone of your post you sound a little frustrated, I don't see how our company is being disrespectful. You might be interested to learn that we have Mac versions of some of our products including the Screen Calipers.

As a business it comes down to cost and time. We outsource Mac development so we find it hard to justify paying a developer what would be several months of work to produce a free product like ColorPic. Unfortunatly that's just the reality of the situation.
by Nico Westerdale on Oct 11 2007 3:33pm Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Along with Green Flame Productions, I too, hope to see a mac version of colorpic. Hats-off to a wonderful program you guys provide. I have searched high and low for a color picker and this is the best one found on both platforms (PC and Mac).

I assume that the color picker's demographic is web designers primarily because it does hex values and short-cut color picking extremely well. Since I am a web designer, I have to use PC and Mac to do testing. I would much appreciate it if colorpic was also on OSX.

My frustration is not with your company, it is with the other color pickers in comparison to yours.

by on Oct 15 2007 4:30pm Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Well we certinaly appreciate your response. We will look into the feasability and see if there is any way to make it.
by Nico Westerdale on Oct 15 2007 5:02pm Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Here's another Mac user wishing you the best in finding a generous developer to help port your fantastic program. Many thanks,

by Eric DB on Oct 19 2007 2:00am Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Here's a great color design / picker option for Mac users > ColorSchemer.com
online and downloadable.


by EasyWebCreate.com create design build your own logos headers sites pages blogs on Nov 5 2007 10:08am Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Another Mac user that loves the product but can't use it on her beloved mac. I use both and seems like with software like this I am forced to use both just to be able to use good software...come on make us an osx version we will love it long time...
by christina m on Nov 13 2008 12:54am Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

People, a feature like this is already included in MAC OSX... It's called "DigitalColor Meter" :)
PS: I use this version on Windows and I love it
by pieter dz on Apr 1 2009 5:36am Reply

Mac OS X version of ColorPic in the future?

Thank you so much for pointing me to digital color meter already installed on my mac. I do get tired of mac being left out of the software loop!
by Christina Norlin on Mar 7 2013 10:23pm Reply

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