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Screen Compass

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For WindowsScreen Compass

Screen Compass iconMeasure circular or polygonal areas on your screen with the digital draftsman's tool.

Posted in the Screen Compass Forum.

Running on Mac OS X 10.7

As you know we are in the process of making a decision on whether to upgrade the Mac Measurement Applications to run on the newly released Mac OS X 10.7. Until then, we have decided to offer Windows licenses for those customers who have already purchased Mac licenses and need a way to run the tools on a Mac. The idea is that you can use Parallels or another similar program which would allow you to run the Windows Measurement Applications on a Mac. This is based on a suggestion from one of our customers.

So if you have already bought (a) Mac license(s) for one of our screen measurement applications (Screen Calipers, Screen Protractor and Screen Compass) and if you require to run the associated Windows application using Parallels or a similar program then please let us know using the following URL:
and we will issue you the Windows serial number(s).
by Constantin Florea on Aug 11 2011 5:45pm Reply

Running on Mac OS X 10.7

How long does it takes to make a decision???
Either Yes or No and we will flush the software down the TRASH basket.
by YT User on Dec 20 2011 2:44pm Reply

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