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Screen Calipers

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For WindowsScreen Calipers

Screen Calipers iconThe accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit.

Posted in the Screen Calipers Forum.

Exception EOleSysError in module Calipers.exe

Operating OS is Windows 7 (64-bit). I successfully installed my registered copy of Screen Calipers. However, when I try to run it I get this Application Error message:

Exception EOleSysError in module Calipers.exe at 000697AD. Error accessing the OLE registry.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled it, but I still get this error. I've started working on a newsletter, and need this software in the worst way!

by David User on Dec 18 2011 8:21pm Reply

Exception EOleSysError in module Calipers.exe

First I would suggest trying to run the application as an Administrator (right click the application icon and choose Run As Administrator) and see if that solves your issue.

Also, please notice the following thread which is supposed to give individual users access to the registry:

Please let me know if either of these fixes your issue.
by Constantin Florea on Dec 19 2011 8:36am Reply

Exception EOleSysError in module Calipers.exe

Running as administrator appears to be working. I've never had a situation like this before. Is the software determining that I don't have sufficient rights to run it? Is there a fix so I don't have to run it as administrator each time?

Thanks for getting it working for me. I'm in crunch time with some work needing the calipers.
by David User on Dec 22 2011 4:21pm Reply

Exception EOleSysError in module Calipers.exe

I am sorry but at the moment we do not have a fix for this which would work accros operating systems however if you are running Vista or Windows 7 then you could right click the short-cut for the program (or the executable file itself if you want to) and instruct it to always run as Administrator. Once you have this setting in place, you can simply double-click the icon to run the program with administrator privileges.
by Constantin Florea on Dec 22 2011 8:04pm Reply

Exception EOleSysError in module Calipers.exe

Wow, thanks for posting.  I had the OleSysError in a different program and running it as an administrator solved it. 
by Tim on May 8 2012 5:03pm Reply

Exception EOleSysError in module Calipers.exe

Thanks for your help.  After I posted my question I realized I made an error in completing the installation and now have everything working just fine.  Thanks for your prompt response.
by Jeff Peters on Aug 30 2016 6:55pm Reply

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