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Data Extractor

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For WindowsData Extractor

Data Extractor iconExtract any data, including email addresses and URLs from your files and webpages.

Posted in the Data Extractor Forum.

Extracting Images


I'm a newbie in data extraction and I would like to ask if anyone of you can help me out with extracting images from websites.

You see, I've been collecting product details. I was able to get every text info that I need but I don't know what I should do with regards to images. As far as I know, Data Extractor only provides results in text forms, that is, what you can export to Excel are only text. If there are images, only the details can be extracted. What I'm interested to extract are the images themselves and align them or have them placed in the same row as that of their product details.

I've read that once you extract images, it would be downloaded as files, in fact, collected and then zipped. Another thing, I have seen a scraping result regarding to product details and image extraction. One of the columns in the spreadsheet or csv file is "Image File." Do you think that it would be related to the downloaded file?

Please help me on this, and I need your help ASAP.

Thanks a lot,
by Hannah Castanares on Feb 16 2012 8:32pm Reply

Extracting Images

Data Extractor can extract information about images but not the actual image content. Please see the two snapshots below showing how to extract the image details from web pages:

by Constantin Florea on Feb 16 2012 9:59pm Reply

Extracting Images

Sorry--didn't understand answer...what good is it to extract the name of an image file and where it is? So what?

I don't get it...it really doesn't get the image, just the names?? What would a person do with that?

Extracting the emails is cool, but I was disappointed with just gettting a list of names when I wanted to get 2 logos.
by gail f on Sep 2 2012 4:31am Reply

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