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Screen Divider

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For WindowsScreen Divider

Screen Divider iconDistance, angles and parallel lines at your fingertips.

Posted in the Screen Divider Forum.

Screen Divider 1.4 has been released

Screen Divider 1.4 has been released. To update to this new version you will have to quit any previously installed Screen Divider version if it is running then download and install Screen Divider 1.4.

The new features and improvements in this new version are:
- the Screen Divider's angle can now be turned clockwise or counter-clockwise. To turn the Screen Divider clockwise press CTRL and to turn it counter-clockwise press SHIFT. In the Settings section, you can set the number of degrees used to turn the Divider both ways (see the Screen Divider Behavior tab).
- in the Settings section (Screen Divider Behavior tab) you can now choose to override the numbers shown on the buttons used to modify the width between the Divider arms.

by Constantin Florea on Aug 26 2012 9:33pm Reply

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