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Screen Calipers

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For WindowsScreen Calipers

Screen Calipers iconThe accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit.

Posted in the Screen Calipers Forum.

I hate the new rotate feature! Help me out here..

I don't like the rotate feature and was wondering if anyone knows how to disable it. Whenever I drag the arm I move it angle a little and have to even it out. I guess it has it's applications, but I wish I could just disable it and revert to the older version which I LOVE.
by Dave Schrenk on May 25 2005 9:37pm Reply

I hate the new rotate feature! Help me out here..


Don't fret, there is a very simple way to turn on and off the new rotate feature of the Screen Calipers.

When the Calipers are horizontal or vertical you can select the "Lock Angle" checkbox from the menu. To display the menu either click on the little menu button or right-click with the mouse.

You can also hold down the Shift Key while you drag the Calipers to lock the angle, which is really useful in lots of situations.

Similarly the Alt key locks the measurement and lets you rotate the Calipers while keeping them set to the same distance. There is also a 'Lock Measurement' option from the menu.

You'll notice that when you use the locking menu options or the Shift or Alt keys that the mousepointer changes, adding an in-out arrow or a rotate arrow so that you can easily see what's going on. You can also use the Shift and Alt keys to override the menu options if you have them set, so there's no need to switch to the earlier version.
by Nico Westerdale on May 25 2005 10:05pm Reply

I hate the new rotate feature! Help me out here..

Thanks. I appreciate the advise.
by David Schrenk on May 25 2005 11:27pm Reply

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