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Cute Context Menu
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Access your favorite files with a simple right click of the mouse
Posted in the Cute Context Menu Forum.
Cute Context Menu
Is the trial version of cute context menu supposed to be fully functional? If so I don't get a file select or delete key.
Cute Context Menu
Yes it is, just select the entry in the list and click the buttons, it should work fine.
Cute Context Menu
I reinstalled the program and I still don't get a select option on the menu. Got any suggestions? Jb
Cute Context Menu
I'm very surprized that you don't see the options. On the menu there should be an option for 'Edit Contaxt Menu'. Do you see that?
Cute Context Menu
I right click on a file. Then I click on Context Menue Edit. The context menu comes up but dowsn't allow me to select files. In other words the context menu is empty and the select file option is dead. Several friends have tried it with their computers and get the same result. Jb
Cute Context Menu
Are you sure that the trial period has not expired?
Cute Context Menu
Your register product menu sez I got 30 days left. I downloaded yesterday for the first time. I know that the product is inexpensive but I don't buy until I try. Jb
Cute Context Menu
I totally understand, I'll get the developer to look into it.
Cute Context Menu
May 12, 2009 - Version 1.6 - It appears that nobody has fixed the Cute Context Menu Trial product since Dec 9, 2007, 17 months ago, when John Blum complained about it. The trial version cannot be used at all..........Not Cute! We don't really know then if the paid version works either.
Cute Context Menu
Sorry for not following up David. We did test it here again and could not replicate that bug on our systems. We're in the dark as to why this may be happening for some people.
Cute Context Menu
OK Nico. I'm running a nice clean XP Pro SP2 Raid 1 with nothing but the system on the C drive. It should fun fine. I just tried it again. The menu is there on right click, with the Edit Menu selection. When I manually open the file to be selected, and then close it, the Attached Menu path should appear and the Select File button should be active.
I've ordered this operation many different ways, but the Cute Context Menu window remains inactive. I'll just have to take a chance that the Cute Context Menu registered program will actuall work with my XP Pro SP2 set-up. I'll let you know if it does.
Cute Context Menu
Hi Nico,
The registered program works fine. The demo needs work.
Cute Context Menu
Thanks for the info, we'll take a look at it when we next update the applicaiton.
Cute Context Menu
Well the demo version did not work for me and reading the forum I see where it states the demo version did not work, but the bought version does. I purchased the program and it does NOT work at all for me! :( How do I get my money back? I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64, is this the reason it does not work? Help me please!? Can you help me get this working? I am looking for a program such as this and I love Iconico and this one failure will not make you look bad in my eyes.
Cute Context Menu
Hi Patrick,
Cute Context Menu does not work on Windows Vista x64 or Windows 7 x64.