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Our Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.
Posted in the ColorPic Forum.
Set Point & Zoom
I would like to be able to set the Point to 5 and the zoom to x10 and have it stay that way.
Is there a way to save the setup or an entry that I can put in the ini file that will do this?
Set Point & Zoom
Not at this time, but it is a great idea and we will try and get it in the next version.
Set Point & Zoom
Thanks for the reply! :)
I was also wondering why the limit of 5 pixels. For those of us trying to determine the color of an area of a jpg I would thing the larger the area averaged the better. I am assuming the eye averages the color of the pixels once you move back to a distance that the pixels are not visible individually.
My application may be somewhat unusual though. I am involved with developing DIY projection screen paint. We often share our work via photographs. In most cases a photograph containing two test panels is photographed with an image projected on them.
http://i94.photobucket.co.../IMG][/URL] [URL=
ColorPic has proven to be a very useful tool to help evaluate the relative blackness or whiteness of the image with the bars. As you can see these areas should really be all one color. Between the camera and the jpg files these areas often end up being a collection of pixels very close in color. The real answer to our question lies in the averaging of as many of these pixels well within the black or white areas as possible.
In our case the larger the sample area the better within some reasonable limit.
Great Tool! Saves loading these photos into an editor just to sample the RGB colors.
Set Point & Zoom
We set the limit to 5 as this is very common with other graphics applications and you are the first person to ask for any larger. I'm unsure if it's a common request for the software.
Interesting use for the software!
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I don't understand the last posting?