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For WindowsColorPro

ColorPro iconThe Ultimate HTML Color Picker for Professionals

Posted in the ColorPro Forum.

ColorPro 2.6 Released

ColorPro 2.6 has been released. To update to this new version you will have to quit any previously installed ColorPro version if they are running then download and install ColorPro 2.6. To download the latest version browse here:
and press the Download button.

Updates to any new version of ColorPro (minor or major) are and will be free. Here are the new improvements implemented in version 2.6:
- there is a new option to control whether ColorPro will go to tray when it is minimized (see the Application Settings tab inside the Settings window).
- the width, height, position and window state (normal/maximized) are remembered between restarts.
- to control the check boxes inside the Magnifier window (except for the Pick check box) you can use the settings in the ColorPro Behavior tab (Settings windows).
- the state of the main color palette controls from the "Edit Palette" tab are remembered between restarts. These are the Selection Frenzy, Auto Apply, Auto Apply Shape check boxes and the track bars which control the width and height of a color chip inside the main palette.
by Constantin Florea on Jul 20 2014 6:26pm Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

Good progress :P

Can you put options to remember:
-Preview Palette When Hovering
-'Hi-Lite' Color (the color chosen)
-The individual column widths for for each section (i.e. Name, Description, Date/Time, etc columns)
-The Width of each section of the Edit Palettes tab (Color Chips, Color History overall widths)

***It still starts up maximized but it remembers it's windowed size.
by None Given on Jul 20 2014 7:13pm Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

Sure, will add these over the next few days. Should have the update before the end of this coming week with the following remarks:
- Sorry I missed the 'Preview Palette' check box.
- the 'Hi-Lite' Color can already be set in the Settings window (ColorPro Behavior tab).
- There are only two more settings in the Edit Palettes tab which could be remembered: that is the position of the palette: vertical or horizontal and the width (if palette is vertical) or height (if palette is horizontal) of the splitter (the control which allows modifying the size of the section which contains the palette). The Color History area cannot be modified by itself because it is actually dependent on the position of this splitter control.

Let me know if you see other settings which could be remembered.

The application should have started maximized only once when you installed version 2.6. After that it should remember the state of the main window , position and size before you quit the application (Normal, Maximized).
by Constantin Florea on Jul 20 2014 8:03pm Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

My mistake it does remember the Hi-Lite color chosen

Is it possible to add the ability to manually rearrange the chips?
Being able to move them around to where you want, then have them go back into alignment.
by None Given on Jul 21 2014 12:36am Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

It is currently possible to drag the color chips inside the palette anywhere you want. You can then press the Apply button to quickly bring them into alignment or you can press the Arrange Chips button and specify how many color chips there should be per row before aligning the chips inside the palette.

Are you also saying that the position of the dragged color chips should be remembered when the palette is saved and then loaded?
by Constantin Florea on Jul 21 2014 7:35am Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

Yes the position should be remember, basically manual sorting.

You rearrange them the way you like then click something like "align with grid". 

Currently when you click arrange it puts everything back to the added order.
by None Given on Jul 21 2014 4:25pm Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

Still for version 2.6 the following improvements have been added:
- the state of the "Preview Palette When Hovering" check box is remembered between restarts.
- the length of the individual column widths for each section (user palettes, system palettes and recycled palettes)
- the state of the palette inside the Edit Palette window (vertical or horizontal) is remembered  between restarts.
- the width (when vertical) or height (when horizontal) of the palette inside the Edit Palette window is remembered  between restarts.

Regarding this phrase regarding color chips:
"Being able to move them around to where you want, then have them go back into alignment."
Currently you can drag the color chips inside the palette anywhere you want. You can then press the Apply button to quickly bring them into alignment or you can press the Arrange Chips button and specify how many color chips there should be per row before aligning the chips inside the palette. When pressing the Apply button the chips are brought into alignment based on the number of rows selected.
by Constantin Florea on Jul 29 2014 12:45pm Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

Can you work on optimizing ColorPro? It does have long load times and high memory usage.
by None Given on Aug 11 2014 6:44pm Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

We welcome any future suggestions you may have regarding improvements or new features for the application however we can't promise any fixed release dates on those suggestions.
by Constantin Florea on Aug 11 2014 7:00pm Reply

ColorPro 2.6 Released

How is the ColorPro optimization coming along?
by None Given on Nov 20 2014 11:43pm Reply

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