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Our Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.
Posted in the ColorPic Forum.
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
The subject line says it. Quite annoying. Uninstalled and reinstalled, same problem. Closed all programs but it, closed it, reopened, same problem.
As an example, if I put my cursor in the middle of the 5th chip on the first row, the magnifier shows me the letter P in the word "chips" above that line.
I've been using this software for, like, ever and I'd hate to give it up.
Win7, 64bit
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
Got same problem as Paula, the curser is far away fom magnifier. Do have a 4K Monitor (3840x2160) and 2nd monitor with (2560x1440).
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
Any fix for this issue yet? Really liked this tool but now with my new HD screen this is useless.
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
The problem with 4K is - on a 3840x2160 resolution Windows has to be completely sized up otherwise the letters and everything else would be much to small.
But this Windows resizing (say 150%) causes all color pickers I know to calculate the wrong mouse position - most left up position is ok but most right down shows exactly the 150% left-above pixel.
Hey ICONICO - be the first to support 4K screens and train ColorPic to get the right mouse position in an up-sized Windows. Rem. in a not too far future nearly everybody will have 4K.. :-)
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
This happens normally if Windows is scaled, e.g. on a notebook or 4K monitor (125%, 150%...).
I found this solution now, after do so ColorPick has (original) small letters but will hit now the pixel under the mouse:
To fix this problem, right-click the desktop application’s shortcut and select Properties. If the application is on the taskbar, right-click the taskbar icon, right-click the application’s name, and select Properties.
Click the Compatibility tab and click the “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings” checkbox. After you do, close the application and re-open it.
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
I'm using Windows 10 Pro > Running Display at 1920 x 1080.
Feb 2022.
Fix (for me)...
> Right Click the 'Desktop Icon' (doesn't work for Taskbar)
> 'Properties'
> 'Compatibility'
> 'Change high DPI Setting'
> 'Override High DPI scaling behaviour
> set to 'Application'.
> OK everything until your backout to Desktop.
ColorPic should now be properly aligned no matter where you launch it from; Desktop/Taskbar! ??
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
I also have this issue...
I am using 4K monitors and the cursor does not line up to the magnifier and its difficult to get to the colour quickly.
I have been using this for years, older versions were free..
After I upgraded my machine, I had to pay for the software, so paid as I am happy to support the author, however it doesn't work for me now, so a bit disappointed.
Please can you fix this.
The software should support all resolutions and ideally scale, I am happy to set these settings up in a config or via the UI, but its a bit unusable as it is now.
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
Using bog standard 1920 x1200 monitors (3x) Extended mode in Windows 10 Pro. Uninstalled and reinstalled many times. Tried using the 4K option or the regular option. Neither works. This was NOT a problem in Windows 7 - for me at least. Never saw the 4K option till Win 10. Also once I do find the area I want the Ctrl-G option does not pick the color. Something is seriously busted.