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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

ColorPic for web pages

We like the feature of being able to pick any color from anywhere on the screen, however we need to add this to our website and it's our understanding ColorPic is not avialalbe for inclusion on a website (aspx pages). We've looked at ColorPop, but it doesn't seem to have this feature.

Did we miss something?

thanks for the support.
by Morgan Strickland on Aug 7 2008 2:18am Reply

ColorPic for web pages

To be able to pick a color from the screen in a webpage you would need to run an activeX control. ColorPop is Flash based and limited by the technology so it can't do that.
by Nico Westerdale on Aug 7 2008 6:31am Reply

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