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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

ColorPic CTRL+G hotkey

Thought you might like to know that if you are using Firefox and forget to make ColorPic the active window, Firefox uses CTRL+G as a signal to open the Edit Find feature. Might help to either use a different hotkey combo, use this different hotkey to activate ColorPic, or both. I suppose to prevent real conflicts the best idea is to let the user select their own hotkey for color grabbing.

Nice little app btw.
by welo on Oct 18 2005 7:38pm Reply

ColorPic CTRL+G hotkey

Heck no way, we were there years before Firefox, they should change. I take your comment about the user defined hotkey though, a good feature.
by Nico Westerdale on Oct 18 2005 9:45pm Reply

ColorPic CTRL+G hotkey

This isn't a firefox problem. I'd assume it a bug of ColorPic, that has a workaround. Explanation: If you have the window activation following the mouse (under windows known as «X-Mouse») the Ctrl+G does not work. Correct was, Ctrl-G would (or could) work like the hotkeys of all those screen capture utilities, no matter which other applications are running.

The workaround is: Place the ColorPic window where you want to pick a color. Now, you can pick pixels below the ColorPick window using the Maginfy lense to locate the pixel(s) of your choice.

Welo: Just for firefox, you'd go way more comfortable using it's Extension «ColorZilla».
by BGKS Kulms on Feb 23 2006 1:41am Reply

ColorPic CTRL+G hotkey

It's not exactly a bug, it's just that Ctrl+G only works when ColorPic has the focus. There's a note on ColorPic that states this. Again, it's a good feature for the next version, I'll look into it.
by Nico Westerdale on Feb 23 2006 7:45am Reply

ColorPic CTRL+G hotkey

buscar ctrl+g
by celeste celeste on May 14 2007 4:47pm Reply

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