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Our Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.
Posted in the ColorPic Forum.
ColorPic Grabing Calibration
Been using CP for a bit. Just installed on a new machine. The pixel being grabbed is not where the pointer is. It is the left about 150 px and lower???
If connect my 2nd monitor to the laptop it is OK??
This is strange
any suggestions?
ColorPic Grabing Calibration
yes, same issues here and I believe it is a windows 10 related issue. they may need to release an update here to work in windows 10
ColorPic Grabing Calibration
Win10 issues with calibration
Edit compatibility and set it to windows 7 and check "disable scalability on high DPI".
ColorPic Grabing Calibration
These settings fixed this issue for me. Thanks
ColorPic Grabing Calibration
Version 5 of the ColorPic will now ask you at startup if you're using a 4K monitor. This will adjust the position of the mouse for 4K monitors.
You can change this setting by editing the colorpic.ini file, found in the same folder that you installed the colorpic in.
ColorPic Grabing Calibration
When will Ver. 5 be available?
Thanks Rick
ColorPic Grabing Calibration