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Line Reader
Message Thread
Turn your mouse into a helper line, to easily guide your eyes while reading long documents.
Posted in the Line Reader Forum.
Strange LR relation to mouse pointer
I am trying out the trial version. The line reader is a very
short line approximately ½ inch long, but it is also way away from the mouse
pointer (to the left and lower when the pointer is in the center of the
screen). When I move the pointer to the top left of the screen the line reader gets more
centered under the pointer and closer vertically but still offset quite a bit. As I move the pointer to the lower right of
the screen the line reader gets further away from the pointer to the right and
much lower. Does the windows version make a difference (I am using windows 10)?
Strange LR relation to mouse pointer
To fix the issue you have to: Go to Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display and make sure that the “Smaller – 100% (default)” radio button is checked. Then press the “Apply” button. Please see this image to see the setting:
The issue you mention happens, when the setting has any of the other values which are different from "Smaller - 100% (default)".
In the demo version the width/height of the line is indeed short (up to 75 pixels) however the line can have a maximum width of 2048 pixels and a maximum height of 2048 pixels but that is only in the registered/purchased version.
Strange LR relation to mouse pointer
Email me when your line reader can function with larger icons and print. I am visually impaired, that is why I am searching for a line reader tool. The smaller icons and print are not acceptable.
Strange LR relation to mouse pointer
If the developer figures out a Better work around, or a true Fix – I would be interested in knowing. The suggested solution of Go to Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display and make sure that the “Smaller – 100% (default)” radio button is checked. -- I am unwilling to do.
I have my Scale and Layout set to 200%, because my recommended Display Resolution of 3840 * 2160 – items are just too small for my aging eyes, unless I do some form of magnification.
While I am a registered user of Line Reader, given the choice of Changing my Display Resolution / Scaling, or one of the other fixes – I am going to stop using Line Reader. Sort of Sad about that. I hope the developer(s) can find a better fix.
Strange LR relation to mouse pointer
We have released a new version of Line Reader in which we have addressed the issue mentioned above. The application now has a 'Calibrate Line And Mouse Cursor' link in the "Line Reader" tab. Press that link, calibrate the distance between the line and the mouse cursor and then press the Lock button to lock the calibration settings. Once you do that, the issue should be fixed and the calibration settings will be saved when you close the application. You have to calibrate the line when either you change the resolution of the display or when you change the text size of the display. Please download the application and let me know if it works for you, you can download the application using any of the following URLs, depending on the number of bits your operating system is running on:
32 bits:
64 bits: