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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

Cannot capture colors from XL spreadsheet

First try at ColorPic, need to capture a background color in a cell off the screen.
When I press Ctrl+G this activates an xl function.

Can I assign a different key combo? Could you set the mouse to use the 3rd button or activate on a "chord" of buttons R & L

For now will have to copy numbers off ColorPic screen.

by John Harris on Oct 1 2008 11:48am Reply

Cannot capture colors from XL spreadsheet

Unfortunately Ctrl-G is hard-coded into the application. There is a 'Copy' button to copy the hex value from Colorpic
by Nico Westerdale on Oct 1 2008 12:49pm Reply

Cannot capture colors from XL spreadsheet

It was my bad.
There are more steps here.
1. Move mouse to area in spreadsheet where you want to capture color.
2. Click the mouse,
3. Move mouse back to colorPic
4. Click in ColorPic window.
5. then move mouse over spreadsheet click Ctrl G to capture.

Must have been clicking in the spreadsheet and trying to capture there that messed up the capture.
by John on Oct 1 2008 1:32pm Reply

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