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Our Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.
Posted in the ColorPic Forum.
the color shown is not at the mouse pointer position.
The color shown is the color not at the point of the mouse pointer, but this is the point 2 cm up and 2.5cm left of the mouse pointer. I have this error only with my windows10 pc ... With the windows7 pc, all is ok the color shown by colorPic is the color under the location of the mouse pointer.
the color shown is not at the mouse pointer position.
I just found the solution in this forum by reading the reply of Craig on Sept 4 2015 2:03pm - here it is:
Magnifier and Cursor do not line up
This happens normally if Windows is scaled, e.g. on a notebook or 4K monitor (125%, 150%...).
I found this solution now, after do so ColorPick has (original) small letters but will hit now the pixel under the mouse:
To fix this problem, right-click the desktop application’s shortcut and select Properties. If the application is on the taskbar, right-click the taskbar icon, right-click the application’s name, and select Properties.
Click the Compatibility tab and click the “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings” checkbox. After you do, close the application and re-open it.
by Craig on Sep 4 2015 2:03pm
the color shown is not at the mouse pointer position.
Thank you so much for the solution. You're a life saver.
the color shown is not at the mouse pointer position.
Version 5 of the ColorPic will now ask you at startup if you're using a 4K monitor. This will adjust the position of the mouse for 4K monitors.
You can change this setting by editing the colorpic.ini file, found in the same folder that you installed the colorpic in.