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Data Extractor

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For WindowsData Extractor

Data Extractor iconExtract any data, including email addresses and URLs from your files and webpages.

Posted in the Data Extractor Forum.

Extract data between specific div id text


I would like to extract a data between a specific text. For example:
div id="short"
I would like to extract the data between ###

I know how to put ### in all files but how to extract the text could help a lot.
by Fernando on Dec 5 2008 3:37pm Reply

Extract data between specific div id text

The easiest way would be to write a javascript rule. Does your div have an id or class attribute?
by Nico Westerdale on Dec 8 2008 10:25am Reply

Extract data between specific div id text

Oh wait.. it does.. use this:

DataExtractor.AddHeader(1, 'Text');

var div = document.getElementById('short');

DataExtractor.AddResult(1, div.innerHTML);
by Nico Westerdale on Dec 8 2008 10:29am Reply

Extract data between specific div id text

How would one do this using a class attribute instead? Thanks.
by Laura Wagner on Apr 12 2010 5:26pm Reply

Extract data between specific div id text

You would have to use getElementByTagName and loop over them with a for loop and check the className property.
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 12 2010 7:22pm Reply

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