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Our Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.
Posted in the ColorPic Forum.
Color Pic5 - Does not work with 4k Monitor
I'm install ColorPic 5.0 on my new Lenovo P1 Notebook with a 4k Display and the position of mouse and preview is not the same. I guess the shown position is about 80% of x- and y-axis.
I try several settings discribe in the first themes in this forum but nothing works.
Does you have any idea?
Color Pic5 - Does not work with 4k Monitor
I have exactly the same problem even using the various Windows compatibility mode (DELL U2718q)
Color Pic5 - Does not work with 4k Monitor
Version 5.1 of ColorPic, which has just been released, has two new settings that can be edited if you find that your mousepointer is offset incorrectly from the screen.
Open the ColorPic.ini file in any text editor, it's located in the same directory that you have installed the ColorPic.
The XOffset and YOffset values in that file can be changed to any positive or negative number, which will change where color picked under the mousepointer is located.
Color Pic5 - Does not work with 4k Monitor
Hi Nico,
I have an external 4K-monitor attached. Doesn't matter what I am using for x/y values. There is no chance to get closer to ColorPic pipette. The preview and mouse are far away from each other.
Unfortunetely ColorPic is useless for me now.
Best Peter
PS: Registered version and latetest version 5.1 installed.