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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.


This has become an invaluable tool. I can't imagine working without it! Mostly I love the ability to create custom palettes, so I can have one for each client. What I'd love is the ability to override a swatch once I select it. Sometimes you grab the wrong pixel, or sometimes you just don't need one any more. Rather than create a whole new palette, just overriding one selection with a new colour would make this about the most perfect thing on the planet.

Thanks either way for a fantastic tool!
by Leslie Hastings on Nov 29 2005 9:34am Reply


Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying the ColorPic. I'm not sure why you're having trouble overriding a picked color, you can press Ctrl+G again to un-grad a color, and then select a second one. Does this help or have I misunderstood your problem?
by Nico Westerdale on Nov 29 2005 9:48am Reply


Nope, you understood it perfectly. I was trying to Ctrl+G from the palette again - I didn't think about using the same commands to undo a swatch first - first rate!

By the way, that QWERTY engine is awesome. A little like hard work, but great fun!

I got stuck at Y though - no arrow on the screen to get me out. Talk about losing yourself to a challenge! hehehe
by Leslie Hastings on Nov 29 2005 10:12am Reply


One other thing - I accidentally deleted one of the default palettes when I first installed it. Does it come with Purple web safes? I didn't see what I deleted at the time (I was looking to delete a swatch and deleted a whole palette but didn't see which one).

I guess I could reinstall, but that would mean rebuilding my client palettes. You don't have the list of rgb numbers for that palette, do you? [Oh yeah - right here in my back pocket - fans can be such a pain] I'll figure it out at some point...

A warning message would be useful (one that could be turned off "Don't show me this again" type of thing) that would let newbies like me know they were about to delete the whole palette. Warn you off, you know? I delete palettes now when I no longer need them, but I wish I'd known that was what I was about to do then...
by Leslie Hastings on Nov 29 2005 10:17am Reply


There's a file that contains all the palette information and it's stored here:

C:\Program Files\ColorPic 4\palettes.xml

If you open up the file in Notepad you can edit it and add and remove palettes by hand. Please close ColorPic before you do this. The default palettes file is as follows, hopefully you can copy and paste the palettes that you're missing.

I do think that the confirmation on Delete is a good idea. I'll add it to version 5.

<Palette name="Empty Palette">
<Palette name="Basic Colors">
<Color COLOR="#FF0000"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFF00"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#00FF00"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#00FFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#0000FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF00FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#000000"></Color>
<Palette name="Grayscale">
<Color COLOR="#000000"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#333333"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#505050"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#666666"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#7B7B7B"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#898989"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#999999"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#ABABAB"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#B4B4B4"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#BCBCBC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCCCCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#DCDCDC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#E3E3E3"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#EBEBEB"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#F4F4F4"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Palette name="Red WebSafe Shades">
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFCCCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF9999"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF6666"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF3333"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF0000"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC9999"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC6666"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC3333"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC0000"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#996666"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#993333"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#990000"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#663333"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#660000"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#330000"></Color>
<Palette name="Yellow WebSafe Shades">
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFFCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFF99"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFF66"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFF33"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFFF00"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCCC99"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCCC66"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCCC33"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCCC00"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#999966"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#999933"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#999900"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#666633"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#666600"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#333300"></Color>
<Palette name="Green WebSafe Shades">
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCFFCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#99FF99"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#66FF66"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#33FF33"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#00FF00"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#99CC99"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#66CC66"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#33CC33"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#00CC00"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#669966"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#339933"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#009900"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#336633"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#006600"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#003300"></Color>
<Palette name="Cyan WebSafe Shades">
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#99FFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#66FFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#33FFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#00FFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#99CCCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#66CCCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#33CCCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#00CCCC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#669999"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#339999"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#009999"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#336666"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#006666"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#003333"></Color>
<Palette name="Blue WebSafe Shades">
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CCCCFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#9999FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#6666FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#3333FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#0000FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#9999CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#6666CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#3333CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#0000CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#666699"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#333399"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#000099"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#333366"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#000066"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#000033"></Color>
<Palette name="Magenta WebSafe Shades">
<Color COLOR="#FFFFFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FFCCFF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF99FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF66FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF33FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#FF00FF"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC99CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC66CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC33CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#CC00CC"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#996699"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#993399"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#990099"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#663366"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#660066"></Color>
<Color COLOR="#330033"></Color>
by Nico Westerdale on Nov 29 2005 10:24am Reply


Perfect! Thanks. It was the "Basic Colors" that were missing, but I see that Magenta covers the purple. And I'm glad to have the basic palette back too - mostly I'm glad to know what I deleted.

Thanks a bunch.

by Leslie Hastings on Nov 29 2005 11:02am Reply



Thanks, I did the same thing, accidentally deleted a palette. And also accidental deleted/over wrote a swatch.

I was wondering it would be possible to make the in-built pallets read only?

Or maybe be able to set a read only attribute on each palette so that one can't accidentally mess up the swatchs?
by Gary Wardell on Dec 19 2007 3:54pm Reply

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