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For WindowsScreen Calipers

Screen Calipers iconThe accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit.

Posted in the Screen Calipers Forum.

Click on Caliper Advances Slide Presentation

Hi, I love your product but I have a problem with premature advancing a slide presentation when I click on caliper. I purchased calipers years ago for PC and got around the problem in PowerPoint I think by holding down an Alt key when I click on caliper. This allowed me to manipulate the calipers without advancing to the next slide.

Now I am on a Mac and I use Keynote for presentations. When I click on the calipers the presentation advances to the next slide. I have tried holding down every key on the keyboard when I click to try to prevent Keynote from advancing but nothing seems to work. It always advances. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
by Robert Delikat on Feb 5 2009 10:56am Reply

Click on Caliper Advances Slide Presentation

Yes we've seen this problem before. It seems as though PowerPoint/Keynote are the ones being bad here, and not the Calipers. They capture every keyboard click even when the Calipers are in focus, which is not the correct way that an applicaiton should behave.

We don't seem to have a solution for KeyNote either, they're stealing our keyboard clicks, so other than use the mouse on the Caliper buttons there's not much I can suggest.
by Nico Westerdale on Feb 5 2009 11:20am Reply

Click on Caliper Advances Slide Presentation

Thank you for the quick reply. Okay, well I am not going to give up on this. The calipers are much too valuable of a tool to so easily dismiss. There has to be a way to intercept the click before getting to Keynote or a way of preventing Keynote from responding to a click plus key combination. We made it work perfectly in PowerPoint, it has to be possible in Keynote.

Thank you again,
by Robert Delikat on Feb 5 2009 11:36am Reply

Click on Caliper Advances Slide Presentation


I admire your perseverance! Have you tried posting on the KeyNote forums? I'd be surprised if it's a problem unique to the Calipers.
by Nico Westerdale on Feb 5 2009 11:39am Reply

Click on Caliper Advances Slide Presentation

I have a fix for my problem. It's not perfect in that it is a work-around but it does work. I found the answer in an Apple forum where the problem had to do with another piece of software (Omnidazzle) but the solution is the same. I am posting the Apple answer below so that others might benefit from the solution.

Again, thank you and now that I know the Calipers can work with Keynote I will purchase them for my Mac as I have for the PC.

Apple response to challenge with Keynote and Omnidazzle (works for Calipers):
Excerpt from the following link


The way Keynote is set up by default and probably the way your presentation is set up, a click on a slide is interpreted as an "On-click" event, which then advances the slide, performs a build, etc. So, if you're on a slide and you want to use one of the "click" functions of OmniDazzle (instead of needing to press a key sequence), the default options won't let this work seamlessly.

I think what you're looking for is going to require you to re-think your presentation a bit. First, go into the Inspector under the Document tab and find the "Presentation" option. You should find that this is set for "Normal". You'll want to change that to "Hyperlinks only". Now, when you click on a slide, Keynote is IGNORING that click unless you're clicking on a hyperlink. For example, this will probably make the flashlight work in the easy intuitive way you're expecting, click for on, click for off.

However, NOW your presentation won't advance because you set it for Hyperlinks only and have no hyperlinks. The easiest way to fix THIS part is to place an object with no fill and no stroke on the master slides that you're using for that presentation and set it's hyperlink to "next slide". (This is assuming you don't want to throw off the look of your entire presentation with a "next" link on every slide, that's why you assign it "none" so it won't show up.) Place it in a corner of your slide and when you want to advance go there and click. "

Joila it works.

Best regards,
by Robert Delikat on Feb 5 2009 4:03pm Reply

Click on Caliper Advances Slide Presentation

Glad that you found a good solution!
by Nico Westerdale on Feb 5 2009 4:05pm Reply

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