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Screen Calipers

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For WindowsScreen Calipers

Screen Calipers iconThe accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit.

Posted in the Screen Calipers Forum.

Calipers 3.2 performance


I'm using Calipers 3.2 on Win 2000 Server. I notice that when I drag the calipers, its movement is very, very jerky and if flickers a lot. Also, there's considerable delay between the mouse's position and calipers repositioning to that position when it is dragged. I also notice that it takes about 7 seconds to show calipers' menu when I invoke it. These problems make it very difficult to use it.

When I use it, I have about 300MB of available memory so I don't think it's a memory problem. I notice, however, that when I drag it, my CPU utilisation goes up to 100%.

Can you help?

by Ryan on Dec 13 2005 8:31am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Under the 'skins' menu of the Calipers you'll notice a menu named 'Quality'. if you choose Low or Normal quality and then close and reopen the application you should find that the performance of the application does increase. The quality of the graphics when the application is rotated will not be as smooth, but the application will still be usable.
by Nico Westerdale on Dec 13 2005 5:21pm Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Hi Nico,

I set the quality to Low (it was at Normal) but noticed no changes in the graphics. When dragged, the calipers is still jerky and the flickering is still there. However, I notice that these effects are a bit less. Nevertheless, they still make it difficult to use the calipers so I am hoping that this could be fixed.

The menu still takes a long time to come up when invoked and this is also a very noticeable problem which I'm hoping can be fixed too.

Apart from those complaints, I think that the calipers is a fine, useful tool.
by Ryan on Dec 15 2005 7:37am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Sorry for the problems Ryan. The Calieprs do perform better on a faster machine, and if may be that your machine has less than 256K of RAM which would not be optimal performance. If so you may get better results by colsing other open applications or checking your memory usage through the Windows Task Manager.
by Nico Westerdale on Dec 15 2005 3:11pm Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Hi Nico,

As mentioned in my first message in this thread, I have approximately 300 MB of RAM available when I run Screen Calipers 3.2 so I'm not so sure it's a memory problem. Any other advice would be appreciated.
by Ryan on Dec 16 2005 7:18am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

It's hard for me to advise futhur without seeing the machine. I'm wondering if it would be possible for you to instal the application on a comparible machine or laptop to see if this is an isolated incident, which I suspect that it is.
by Nico Westerdale on Dec 16 2005 7:30am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Ok, Nico. Will try your suggestion about using a different machine. Thanks.
by Ryan on Dec 20 2005 10:30am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance


Following your suggestion, I tried running Calipers 3.2 on a different machine - Win XP, 71 MB of available RAM. The same flickering problem occurred and the menu took the same 7 seconds to show up when activated.

I guess I'll just have to be contented to use it as is. Thanks for all of your much appreciated support.
by Ryan on Dec 20 2005 10:50am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance


Somethign very strange must be happening to take 7 seconds for the menu to show up. Again it's tricky to solve without seeing the computer you're using but I assure you something isn't right. Are you sure you're using the latest version downloaded from iconico.com, and would you mind doing a reinstall?
by Nico Westerdale on Dec 20 2005 11:07am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Hi Nico,

Yes, I'm using the 3.2 version I downloaded from www.iconico.com.

To answer your second question, I installed it on a separate machine but got very similar results. I'm therefore not so sure that doing a reinstall will solve the problem.

Thanks again.
by Ryan on Dec 21 2005 6:20am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance


Following you suggestion, I tried running Calipers 3.2 on a different machine - Win XP, 71 MB of available RAM. The same flickering problem occurred and the menu takes the same 7 seconds to show up when activated.

I guess I'll just have be contented to use it as is. Thanks for all of your much appreciated support.
by Ryan on Dec 20 2005 10:41am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Hi: I am responding to several postings which refer to problems I have with SC3. I have 1,048,048kb of RAM and still have the 100% processor usage problem, so more RAM did not solve that for me. I also have a 4 second delay for the context menu to appear. As the heavy use of processing power interferes with several other applications which I need to use simultaneously, I need to open SC, make my measurement and then close it again. This is quite irritating as I need to do this a lot, however, it is such a useful tool that I put up with it.
by Jack Trewren on Apr 21 2006 7:16am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance


I belive that you posted this in a seperate thread too, but to answer your question I'd advise upgrading to version 3.3 of the Calipers.

You state in the other post that you're using version 3.1 and we've done a lot of work on memory management in subsequent versions. Please let me know your results after upgrading.
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 21 2006 7:33am Reply

Calipers 3.2 performance

Please download our latest version 3.3. We've done a lot of work on increasing the speed of the application and reducing the flicker. If you were seeing any background trails then these too should now be eliminated.

Let me know your findings.
by Nico Westerdale on Jan 10 2006 10:35pm Reply

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