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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

Vista problem with Color Picker

Yesterday, I successfully downloaded the latest Color Picker. as the previous one I had didn't work with Windows Vista Home Premium Edition that I am running.

I successfully installed it.

I successfully used it. (It's a wonderful tool)

I went to close it down using the red X and it wouldn't close!

It gave me the following error message:

Cannot create file: "C:\Program Files\ColorPic 4.1\palettes.xml" ACCESS IS DENIED

The only way I can close it down is to fire up the Task Manager in Windows and kill it off that way.

Any suggestions as to why this is happening and a solution on how to fix it please?

Many thanks in advance.

John in Australia
by John Halls on Apr 27 2009 4:06am Reply

Vista problem with Color Picker

Try logging in as administrator and granting access to that folder to the user you use.
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 27 2009 11:47am Reply

Vista problem with Color Picker

Hi Nico

I AM the Administrator and it's a standalone PC - I don't need to grant access as I already have it.

Any other suggestions appreciated.


by John Halls on Apr 27 2009 8:31pm Reply

Vista problem with Color Picker

It has to be a rights issue, somehow you don't have access to that folder
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 28 2009 12:52pm Reply

Vista problem with Color Picker

Hi again Nico.

I viewed the file manually which indicated to me that I had rights access.

I uninstalled the program and re-installed it and that fixed it. The initial installation must have been corrupt.

All is now OK.

Thank you for your input.

John in Australia
by John Halls on Apr 29 2009 7:09am Reply

Vista problem with Color Picker

I get the same message "Cannot create file: "C:\Program Files\ColorPic 4.1\palettes.xml" ACCESS IS DENIED "
when running ColorPic4.1 on Vista as a non-admin user.

The problem appears to be that the app wants to write to the Programs file but doesn't have permissions because the app is running as a standard user. I'm don't understand why it wants to create the file because the file already exists.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling - no go.

Generally, apps should not write to the Programs file.

Does the pro version of ColorPic also want to write to the Programs file?
by Lyle Parkyn on Jul 18 2009 7:52pm Reply

Vista problem with Color Picker

Hello Lyle - Sorry to read you are having problems but happy to see that I wasn't the only one. I was feeling a little lonely there for awhile. :o)

My problem returned after the initial uninstall/reinstall but I realized that I wasn't going to get any assistance in fixing the problem, so I just continue to fire up the Task Manager and kill off the application when I am finished using it. A primitive way to do it but it's successful.

Perhaps one day, the developers will accept there IS a problem and do something about it. Other than this problem, it's a magic little program.

All the best to you.

Aussie John
by John Halls on Jul 18 2009 8:20pm Reply

Vista (and Win7) problem with Color Picker

I have solved the problem this way: 
- close all instances of ColorPic
- right click to open ColorPic properties
- open Compatibility tab
- under Privilege level check 'Run this program as an admnistrator'

And that worked! :)

Hope this helps.
by Nada on Nov 16 2010 7:42pm Reply

Vista problem with Color Picker

Hi all,

I fixed this on my computer by granting the "Users" group Modify and Write permission on the palettes.xml file.

1. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\ColorPic 4.1
2. Right-click palettes.xml, click Properties
3. Select the Security tab
4. Click the Edit button
5. Select the Users group
6. Select Modify and Write options in the Allow column
7. Click OK
8. Click OK.


by Rob M on Dec 14 2010 1:17pm Reply

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