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Our Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.
Posted in the ColorPic Forum.
ColorPic not working with IE running
Hi there,
Have used colour Pic for years and love it. Have just installed 4.1 on XP PC, but it will not work correctly when IE7 is running.
Th Magnify screen in just plain black (but can ctrl-g on the mixer). As soon as i cose my browser the Magnify starts working and can pic colours from my desktop or other apps. Any ideas?
ColorPic not working with IE running
No clue, ColorPic does not interface with Internet Explorer in any way! I'd suggest a reinstall.
ColorPic not working with IE running
Thanks - tried reinstall numerous time but no joy. Tried installing v4.0 which partly worked.
V 4.0 lets me pic colours for any part of the screen where the mouse is, but the Magnify section still displays black..
I have installed 3.1 and it works fine - so i will stick with that...
ColorPic not working with IE running
Yeah, same problem here using IE8, works fine with Chrome & Firefox - This isn't a re-install issue, it's an incompatibility with IE. Fortunately I only use IE to test client websites.
ColorPic not working with IE running
James, ColorPic does not use IE in any way whatsoever, I don't know how to be more clear on the issue.
ColorPic not working with IE running
I'm not an applications developer however logic tells me that when a program ceases to work exclusively when another program is run, there is a compatibility issue. Even if Color Pic does not directly interact with IE, it may have to interact with a graphics adapter/driver or some other software which stops it working when IE is launched.
The tone of your reply suggests I'm rubbishing Color Pic which i'm not. I'm merely pointing out a problem and would have thought useful feedback such as this would be valuable.
ColorPic not working with IE running
Jame, I didn't think you're knocking ColorPic, I'm just confused! I use IE8 all the time and it works fine with ColorPic. IE doesn't use DirectX or any special screen rendering options.
ColorPic not working with IE running
The only out of the ordinary configuration I have is that I run dual screens although as mentioned, things work fine when using anything other than IE8.
ColorPic not working with IE running
Problem identified - I'm using Zone Alarm Force Field which only works on IE browser, Chrome isn't protected and is therefore unaffected.
In short, Zone Alarm browser security will block Color Pic functionality.
ColorPic not working with IE running
Yes it is ZoneAlarm Browser Security. Turn it off and ColorPic works fine.
Solution that worked for me. Disable browser security. Reopen Firefox. Open Colorpic and it works. Enable Browser security with FF open. Close FF. Open FF and colorpic works with Browser security on.
ColorPic not working with IE running
So.. it's an incompatibility with ZoneAlarm then. :)