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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

Error loading palettes.xml

Hi Nico, I've been a happy Colorpic fan for years with no issues up until now. But out of nowhere, when I start up the program, under "Palettes" it says "error loading palettes.xml." It is not loading the default palettes or my own project palettes, which are extensive. If I create a new palette, it is not saved when I shut the program down.

I've fully uninstalled and reinstalled the program three times to no avail. What could be the issue? I'm using Colorpic 4.1 on Vista, and this issue came out of nowhere - I had not changed any settings or files.
by Heather on Jun 16 2009 6:09am Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

You need to unistall and delete the palettes.xml file, then reinstall. That'll get it
by Nico Westerdale on Jun 16 2009 9:56am Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

That doesn't work, unfortunately. Even if I purge every file and do a clean install, it gives me the error message and will not load the default palettes.xml file from the very first run.
by Heather on Jun 16 2009 10:03am Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

Can you do a search for palettes.xml on your hard drive?
by Nico Westerdale on Jun 16 2009 10:33am Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

The only occurrence of palettes.xml is in the Colorpic installation folder.

Just as an experiment, I downgraded from Colorpic 4.1 to 4.0 and 4.0 is working as it should. It loads the palettes.xml file as normal and remembers my own palettes. Could there be an issue with 4.1 and Vista?
by Heather on Jun 16 2009 12:15pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

No reports of any failures - we'll take a look when we can. Glad you've got an interim solution.
by Nico Westerdale on Jun 16 2009 12:19pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

I have got the same problem.
Did You find a solution on this problem?
by Susanne Jensen on Sep 7 2009 4:34am Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

I'm so bummed this happened to me as well.
I had a ton of palates saved from working on other sites
Now they are all lost.

I reinstalled 4.1 and its working fine but all my old palates are missing
by Debbie Songster on Oct 31 2009 5:23pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

I recently started getting this problem too.

Based on suggestions found here, I located the palette file in the installation directory.

Next, I created a shortcut and specified the installation directory as one of the parameters.

That seemed to cure the problem and my old palettes were once again available.

Not sure why or how it broke, but it seems okay now.  Of course, I'm still running ver 3.0.1.  I need to get the latest.

I've also purchased the protractor, compass, and calipers:  wonderful software, all.

by John Dillon on Aug 13 2010 2:43am Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

Hmm...I am having this issue as well. I have uninstalled and re-installed. After a day, get the problem again. Any home-run solutions? I love the tool and would like to buy the other tools. 
by Paul P on Aug 17 2011 3:07pm Reply

Try the previous

Did you try my previous posting?  It worked for me, but of course, your mileage may vary!
by John Dillon on Aug 17 2011 4:19pm Reply

Try the previous

I did read that post, however, it did not make much sense to me. So if you create an alias to the xml, how do tell colorpic to use that alias instead? Maybe I misunderstood....
by Paul P on Aug 17 2011 8:30pm Reply

Try the previous

Well, i found a solution if your running Windows 7.
Just install 3.1 to another folder and copy over the
palettes.xml file. The default palettes will be there AND
the new ones you create.

In fact may be a good idea to BACKUP that xml file often.
I noticed when it did loose the plot that my xml file
was 0 bytes..

anyway, hope that helps someone on Win 7.
I did turn on compatibility mode on the shortcut
and used Xpsp3 and Admin rights but after turning
those OFF again it was still fine.
Take care,
by Robbie on Aug 21 2011 2:58am Reply

Try the previous

I found that if you right click and run as administrator on windows 7 there is no problem.

I think it needs to write to the file, and that's the problem.
by Neil on Nov 16 2011 2:48pm Reply

Try the previous

On Windows 7 - it is an admin issue.
On my dev machine, I always start ColorPic from a shortcut. If you do the same...

1) Right click your shortcut and select Properties
2) Select the Compatibility tab
3) Enable the "Run this program as an Administrator" option under the Privilege Level section.

This solved my issue of loading the palettes file, but I never did recover my old existing palettes.
by shane walters on Oct 1 2012 12:40am Reply

install in AppData folder

It's is a permission thing. I installed it in users/<user>/appdata
That windows folder is there to let programs write their stuff.
You could also run the program as administrator, but that is not common practice.
by Niels on Feb 4 2013 5:35pm Reply

install in AppData folder

I found a better solution. Delete this folder:

AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ColorPic 4.1\

then uninstall and re-install the app. The issue can be solved but your old palettes cannot be recovered. Remember to backup your palettes oftenly.
by Ky Huynh on Oct 8 2014 4:18pm Reply

install in AppData folder

Just an update/follow-up, for those running on Win 10.
You don't need to uninstall and re-install, and if you have any back-up system for your computer (and can retrieve those backed up files) you can probably recover your old pallets.

1. Go to c:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/ProgramFiles (or "ProgramFiles (x86)" if running 64-bit win)/ColorPic 4.1
2. Look at the size of the palletes.xml file, if size is 0 then this solution will work - proceed
3. Locate your backup file of this file. If you have multiple versions, find the last one that had a size of more than 0 bytes and use that one
4. Restore that backed-up XML file (overwritting the existing one).
5. Restart ColorPic

Your custom palettes should all be there and ready to use.

If you don't have a back-up, then you should follow the other instructions here about 'fixing' that xml file (in the location identified above).

by Chris Paschen on Feb 21 2017 5:35pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

To fix the "error loading palettes.xml" error do the following:

Follow the instructions below on running ColorPic as Administrator (Not sure if this is entirely necessary, but I did it, and it doesn't hurt).

Then, right-click palettes.xml and open with Notepad.
(Mine was found in: C:\Program Files (x86)\ColorPic 4.1\palettes.xml)

Type the following into palettes.xml:

This will create a parent XML node element for the program to write the palette children into.

Save it and close it, reopen ColorPic.  Voila!

Great app, just made it better when I fixed this palette issue!

I'm not certain, but I think you have to click "Edit" when you want to save changes to your palette.

by Sean Kendle on Mar 3 2015 11:23pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

Do you actually replace the content of palettes.xml with just 

? I tried (having opened ColorPic as admin) but it says «access denied» when I want to save the file...

I feel a bit helpless :(

Oh and how to you backup your palettes ? 

Thanks a lot 
by Nolwenn on Jun 26 2015 10:18pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

This is the solution that worked for me. Thanks. 
If anyone else is having problems, make sure to open this file in notepad using administrator mode
by Shaun Henderson on May 8 2020 12:06am Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

Hi Folks,

i'm a little bit afraid that you didn't develop this great tool. But under Windows 10, the free version had still the same trouble and the colorpic window couldn't closed normaly, after any changing of this palletes.

You HAVE to work with the windows environmental variables, where you can select user specific folders from there own attachment folders. For this, you have to asked how the user will handle the palettes and if they answered "global for all users on this system" you need to use public variable %PUBLIC% otherwise the user variable as %HOMEPATH% - after that you can select between a global pallete file or a local user file - for example in subfolder like "ColorPic Samples".

And if you will change it, noone will ever in trouble with this effects.

by the way: it should be great, if you will offer an option to export those Chips-Sets für Adobe color transfer - it would be nice and can worked with the same variables.

best greatings from germany and thx for this tool. it was a great companion for a long, long time and my public charities and associations had won with it ;-)

ps.: sorry for my lousy english - but i hope you will understand what i mean?!
by Frederic Ch. Reuter on Nov 15 2015 2:49pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

Just mark in compatibility settings run as administrator
by anon anon on Nov 19 2020 12:41pm Reply

Error loading palettes.xml

On Windows with ColorPic 4.1 the palettes.xml file is in

C:\Users\{name}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ColorPic 4.1

The copy in the installation folder isn't used (but is a useful backup of the default one).
by Paul S on Dec 30 2020 9:13am Reply

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