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Data Extractor

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For WindowsData Extractor

Data Extractor iconExtract any data, including email addresses and URLs from your files and webpages.

Posted in the Data Extractor Forum.

Extract number before a particular alphabet


I have been using data extractor, but there is one small problem. I want to extract "MOBILE NUMBER" before a particular alphabet..

like ex: (M)

Before this a 10 or 11 digit number is there which i want to extract.. like

9999900000 (M)
09999900000 (M)

How can i extract these numbers?

Help is appreciated as i am not expert in technical things and i studied arts in my college...

flying kiss from me to u all

by katy holmes on Jun 19 2009 4:03am Reply

Extract number before a particular alphabet


If you take a look at the second tab of Data Extractor you should be able to pick the existing telephone rule and modify it. It's built on regular expressions, which is a pattern matching language. Unfortunately it is a product designed for technical people, but I hope this helps.
by Nico Westerdale on Jun 19 2009 10:47am Reply

Extract number before a particular alphabet

thanks nico for the help.. but still cant get it to extract.. :(

any help?
by on Jun 20 2009 9:34am Reply

Extract number before a particular alphabet

For just extracting numbers you can use the regular expression:

by Nico Westerdale on Jun 20 2009 9:44am Reply

Extract number before a particular alphabet

I need to extract partially displayed email addresses from several webpages.  The addresses are displayed as "name@...".  The extractor is not extracting because it cannot find the @URL.com portion.  I need it to extract the partial display and I will fill out the rest myself.  In short, I need to extyract only the "name@..." expression.  Pls HELP!!!

Thanks all for your ideas.
by Alex Adka on Mar 25 2010 5:55pm Reply

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