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For WindowsColorPic

ColorPic iconOur Windows Color Picker tool has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors.

Posted in the ColorPic Forum.

Calipers no longer show in ColorPic magnify?

I love both Calipers & ColorPic and use them anytime I am designing. I like to use them together when I am measuring web elements down to the pixel an use the ColorPic's magnifier to make sure I have the calpers properly aligned... I cannot do that anymore :(
by Michael Simmons on Feb 17 2006 6:01pm Reply

Calipers no longer show in ColorPic magnify?


Thanks for the note, it's true that the Calieprs no longer show up in the ColorPic and Magnifier's windows. This is due to the way that version 3.3 works with the Windows operating system.

In Version 3.3 we've made the transparency work a lot better, made the application faster, and eliminated the 'trails' that occasionally appear behind the Calipers that many of our users were complaining of. To do this we had to change the way the window is drawn and one of the side effects is that the Calipers do not show up in the ColorPic or Magnifier windows.

It's unfortunatly a question of not being able to have the best of both worlds. If you still do want the magnifier to work then your best bet is to download version 3.2 for Windows 98 or later, which is on our Calipers download page.

I do take your point and we will look into it for the next version, however I'm suspecting that there isn't an obvious solution at this point.
by Nico Westerdale on Feb 17 2006 6:08pm Reply

Calipers no longer show in ColorPic magnify?

I understand :) I do like the new transperancy and it is nice when it doesn't cover my code when I am alt+tab'ing back and forth to make css tweaks.
It does still show in the windows magnifier so if leaning into my monitor can't get me there I can always go that route.
Thanks :)
by Michael Simmons on Feb 17 2006 6:15pm Reply

Calipers no longer show in ColorPic magnify?


You'll be happy to know that we've found a solution to the problem. If you download the latest ColorPic or Magnifier applications then you'll find that the Calipers, Protractor and Compass now do show up in the Magnifier windows.

You can have the best of both worlds!
by Nico Westerdale on Aug 3 2006 12:39pm Reply

Calipers no longer show in ColorPic magnify?

Awesome! Thanks.
by on Aug 3 2006 12:51pm Reply

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