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Screen Compass
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Measure circular or polygonal areas on your screen with the digital draftsman's tool.
Posted in the Screen Compass Forum.
Screen Compass 4.0 Full Feature list
The latest version of the Screen Compass, along with the Protractor and Calieprs has just been released. If you're interested in the exact details of everything that has changed then read on:
Calibration user interface changed to new grid style allowing multiple custom units.
Calibration updated to allow editing of the number of decimal places for every unit.
Skins now support alpha transparency which allows for smooth edges and semi-transparent sections.
Skin files now support .PNG graphics.
New skin graphics for every default skin installed with the application.
Link to Iconico's Screen Magnifier now added to options menu.
Right click menu now appears faster.
Tooltips appear more rapidly over the buttons.
Moving the application now resets any typed value.
Sticky Angles functionality improved so that snapping behaves based on how near the mouse is to the desired angle.
Sticky Angles toggled off as well as on by pressing Ctrl.
'Set Zero Angle' now includes a checkmark.
New skin files which can be double-clicked to install.
New Transparency slider popup window.
Improved system tray icon with gray minimized graphic and notification bubble when first minimized.
When swapping skins the application now remains in the same place on the screen.
'Center on Screen' function correctly moves the Calipers so that the rotation center is in the correct place.
Custom units now shared between Screen Calipers, Compass and Tracing Paper.
Full COM interface and SDK now supported to allow automation of the application from other applications.