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Screen Calipers
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The accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit.
Posted in the Screen Calipers Forum.
Rotation Point
Had a request from one of our planners...
when measuring odd angles it would be good if the rotation point of the calipers was on the Zero point of the scale.
At the moment it seems to be in the centre of the instrument, not on the zero point. This makes measuring and rotating the calipers a dificult exercise as the zero point moves with the rotation.
Can you set the rotation point in the skin??
Rotation Point
Hi Perry,
We've put the rotation point at the center of the bar on the left edge of where the calipers measures from, which seemed like the most logical place as that's the most common zero point.
I'm not sure if I understand exactly where you want the Calipers to rotate from, probably best if you shoot us an email with it maked on an image, my address is nico[at]iconico(dot)com.
Otherwise you can adjust the rotation point yourself in the skin file, which is just an image and a text file. There are instructions on how it all works here:
Rotation Point
Thanks for the email. I've created a skin for you with the rotaion point moved further down so that it's at the bottom of the bar. You can download the skin here:
Rotation Point
Pretty perfect: Thanks.
In pondering this I've had an idea for our own skin... so if I've time after Christmas I'll see what I can do.
Rotation Point
Glad that it works Perry. What's your idea for the skin?
Rotation Point
Cross hairs at the rotation point and the measuring point.
When I was showing the Planner the other skins available I think the super minimalist one was closest.