Email Extractor

Backup Your Emails and Extract Email Addresses

Email Extractor
Email Extractor After you've installed the Email Extractor you should find using the tool straightforward. You can use the tips below to get the most out of the application.
Top Tips on Getting Started Using the Email Extractor
1. To Start Extracting
Choose the 'Backup' button in 'Backup' section to begin extracting. All emails will be extracted and backed up to the extraction folder.
2. To View Extraction Results
Navigate to the Backup folder using Windows Explorer to see your backed up emails.
3. To Add a Mailbox
To select a new mailbox file to extract from open up the 'Mailbox Manager'. Click on 'Search' and your computer will be scanned for any mailbox files that can be extracted from. You can also manually select a mailbox by adding it using the 'Add Mailbox file...' command from the 'File' menu.
4. Extract from a Specific Mailbox
To just extract from a specific mailbox open up the 'Mailbox Manager'. Select the checkbox of the mailbox that you wish to extract from and unselect all others. Click the 'Backup' icon.
5. Extract email addresses
On the main screen click the 'Extract' command and let the extraction process run. After it has completed save the emails using the commands on the 'File' menu.
You can click the 'Help' button on the main screen to display full details on how to use the software.

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