Website Styler

Style any web page easily by simply browsing the web.

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Website Styler

 Website Styler Explained

Website Styler - Browser Screen


    - a browser tab is automatically opened when Website Styler starts.

    - you can disable browsing using the 'Follow Links' check box so that you can safely click on elements on the opened web page, and remain in the same page. 

    - you can hover the content of the opened web page (can be any other web page) and the HTML of the current element will be shown in the top part of the 'Selected Element' tab.

    - right under this text field there is another text field which shows the HTML code of the last clicked element on the web page.

    - the 'Try Viewing It' button will bring into view the selected Html element if any.

    - the 'Copy Text' button copies the Html code for the currently selected Html element (second text box in the 'Selected Element' tab)

    - in the lower part of this window there is a controlling object which you can use to move Html elements arround. But first you will have to select an Html element by clicking it. Also make sure the 'Follow Links' check box is unchecked so that clicking on an Html element will not browse anywhere.


If you want to move an Html element here is what you have to do:

    - make sure the 'Follow Links' check box is unchecked (so that clicking on any Html elements will make the browser stay on the same page)

    - click on an Html element which you want to move arround the web page

    - to move the selected Html element you can do one of the following

          - either move the blue rectangle (see picture above)

          - or use the defined key combination and the mouse to move it. The default key combination (which can be changed in the Settings section) is: CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Z


    - the 'View Controller' button brings the controlling object into view

    - the 'Ensure' button adds scroll bars to the controlling object container (this is very usefull when working on documents and you want to use the scroll in the browser).

    - the 'Scale' combo box allows you to change the scale between the position of the controlling object and the position of the selected Html element



Web Browser Basic  - Element Properties Screen


    - these are the Html element properties which can be modified for a selected Html element



Website Styler - Browser Screen Quick Commands


    - first you must select an Html element and then use the 'Quick Commands' buttons and trackers (see picture above) to modify the selected Html element properties


Website Styler - Browser Screen Color Commands


    - you can modify the fore color, background color, border left right top bottom colors and the controller colors using the 'Colors' tab commands

    - just select an Html element then check the desired radio button: Fore Color, or Background or any other one on and then simply select a color using the Color Wheel (click the interior of the Color Wheel and drag the mouse arround to select the color)


Website Styler - Browser Screen Arrange Elements


    - allows you to set the position of all Html elements of a web page:

          - to the top left corner of the browser

          - one after the other top to bottom

          - one after the other first left then top to bottom

          - to a predefined distance (set in Settings)



Application Settings - Keyboard Settings

    - you can move an Html element either by selecting it and controlling its position using the controlling object (bottom right in the browser window)

    - or by using a predefined (see above) key combination (in this case CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Z) in conjunction with moving the mouse to the position where you want the selected Html element to move.


Application Settings - Web Page Settings

    - these are the settings used by the 'Quick Commands' tab buttons (green arrows) and trackers


Application Settings

    - the way the Website Styler application is started can be controlled using the "Start on System Startup" check box. If this is not checked then Website Styler will not start automatically at System Startup. If it is checked then you can start Website Styler:

        - Minimized - this will put Website Styler in the system tray

        - Maximized - this will show Website Styler on the screen (minimizing it will send the application to Windows Tray)

    - press the "Check For Newer Version Now" button to check if a newer version for the Website Styler application is available. If such a new version exist then a possibility to open the download page for the newer version is given.

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