Link To Us

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Link Buttons
We welcome anyone who enjoys what's on offer at Iconico to link to us. If you would like to use Iconico images to link to us then please consider using the following banners and buttons. We have included the HTML, just click the 'Show HTML' link after an image to get it, and thanks for the link.

Iconico - Tools and Services for Graphic Designers and Web Developers Show HTML
Iconico - Tools and Services for Graphic Designers and Web Developers Show HTML
Iconico - Tools and Services for Graphic Designers and Web Developers Show HTML
Iconico - Tools and Services for Graphic Designers and Web Developers Show HTML
Screen Calipers from Iconico - The most accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit. Show HTML
Screen Calipers from Iconico - The most accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit. Show HTML
Screen Protractor from Iconico - Work with engineering plans or designs to measure degrees or radians on your screen. Show HTML
Screen Protractor from Iconico - Work with engineering plans or designs to measure degrees or radians on your screen. Show HTML
Screen Compass from Iconico - Measure circular or polygonal areas on your screen with the digital draftsman's tool. Show HTML
Screen Compass from Iconico - Measure circular or polygonal areas on your screen with the digital draftsman's tool. Show HTML
WebTools Pro from Iconico - Use the HTML developer's handy toolbox to run reports and analyze your HTML in a myriad of different ways. Show HTML
WebTools Pro from Iconico - Use the HTML developer's handy toolbox to run reports and analyze your HTML in a myriad of different ways. Show HTML
HTML Text Extractor from Iconico - Simply extract HTML and Text from any webpage, even those that have been protected. Show HTML
HTML Text Extractor from Iconico - Simply extract HTML and Text from any webpage, even those that have been protected. Show HTML
Data Extractor from Iconico - Extract any data, including email addresses and URLs from your files and webpages. Show HTML
Data Extractor from Iconico - Extract any data, including email addresses and URLs from your files and webpages. Show HTML
ColorPic from Iconico - Our popular Color Picker has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors. Show HTML
ColorPic from Iconico - Our popular Color Picker has an inbuilt magnifier and allows you to save full palettes of colors. Show HTML
Iconico - Tools and Services for Graphic Designers and Web Developers Show HTML
Link Banners
Use the dropdown to select which type of Link banner you want to display on your page. Choosing 'Random Banner' will display a different banner for every visitor. You may resize the iframe to any dimentions to fit your page.


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