Save When You Buy More

Buy at least two Iconico.com products and save money. The more you buy the more you save.

How does this work ?
Line Reader This is the central point for all Iconico.com 'Save When You Buy More' promotions.

Here is how it works in three steps:

Step 1: Add to your shopping cart each product from a group of products. You can find the product groups on the actual promotion page (you can scroll down for viewing all our active promotions). To add a product to the shopping cart you simply go to that product Home Page on Iconico.com and press the Buy Now button.

Step 2: When all the products from a group have been added to the shopping cart, the coupon code associated to that product group can be filled in the 'Coupon Code' field in the Shopping Cart web page. Then you can press the 'Enter' button which is right near this 'Coupon Code' field in the Shopping Cart page.

Step 3: At this moment you should see the discount applied and you can proceed to Checkout.

Hint: the 'Software' menu at the top of this page gives you quick access to the Home Page for any of our desktop products.
'Save When You Buy More' Promotions:

Get Screen Calipers for free!

Here is your chance to get Screen Caliper for free when you buy at least two of our other products. Besides offering Screen Caliper for free, there is also a generous discount involved so that the more you buy the less you pay (in the context of the entire package value).

Are you interested? Then please click HERE.

Get ColorPro for free!

Here is your chance to get ColorPro for free when you buy at least two of our other products. Besides offering ColorPro for free, there is also a discount involved so that the more you buy the less you pay (in the context of the entire package value).

Are you interested? Then please click HERE.

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