HTML Text Extractor

Simply Extract Text and HTML from webpages

HTML Text Extractor
HTML Text ExtractorIf you're frustrated that a website has unselectable text or if you need to view some HTML that's been encrypted then this application is a must. HTML Text Extractor is the simplest and easiest way to view and save the HTML and Text from any webpage.
HTML Text Extractor Version 1.5 is now available, with the following features:
  • Easily extract HTML code and Text from any webpage
  • Extract HTML from webpages that have "View Source" disabled
  • Easily cut through pages that have been protected or encrypted with HTML locking programs
  • Simple to use - Extraction happens as you surf
  • Select unselectable Text
  • Copy, Save, Preview and Print at the touch of a button
  • Pick the HTML from any element within a page
  • Use the feature limited trial version for an unlimited time
Increasingly web designers are protecting their web pages by disabling the right click menu and using javascript to hide their text and HTML code. HTML Text Extractor has been tested against applications that claim to produce secure HTML, and every time HTML Text Extractor blasted through the protection.
HTML Text Extractor runs on all Windows systems: Windows 98, 2000, Me, NT, XP, Vista, 7, 8, after downloading unzip the file and double click the HTMLTextExtractor.exe file to install. Internet Explorer 5 or greater is required.

  • You may download the feature limited trial, and evaluate the software for as long as you need to
  • Single User license is only $19.50
  • We offer a risk free 30 day money back guarantee
Below is a screenshot of the HTML Text Extractor Application in use.

HTML Text Extractor Screenshot

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