Screen Shapes and Controls

Drawing and modeling overlays for any application.

Screen Shapes and Controls
Screen Shapes and Controls After you've installed Screen Shapes and Controls you should find using the tool straightforward. You can use the tips below to get the most out of the application.
Top Tips on Getting Started Using Screen Shapes and Controls
1. Working with Shapes
Screen Shapes and Controls includes many geometric shapes, both filled and in outline form, that you can use to get a jump on creating your scene. When you are ready to create your own shapes, you’ll find a tremendous amount of flexibility with respect to shape design, color selection and more. Use the Choose Shapes tab to select one or more predefined shapes. After you have selected the shapes that you wish to use in your scene, you can determine the width, height, and position of the shape by entering values into the Width, Height, Location X, and Location Y fields. Click on the ‘Add to Scene’ button to add your shape to your scene.
To create your own custom shape, click on the Create Shapes tab. Begin by clicking on the ‘New Shape’ button, where you will then name your custom shape, specify a directory location to store it, and give it a file name. Experiment with different ellipses, arcs, and angles to come up with a shape that is uniquely your style. When you are done, click on ‘Finish Shape’. Your custom shape will now appear in the ‘Custom Shapes’ tab of the ‘Choose Shapes’ screen.
2. Creating Scenes
As you select predefined and custom shapes and click the ‘Add to Scene’ button, your scene is already taking shape. You may choose to place and work with one shape at a time, or place all of your shapes into your scene and then proceed to apply drawing, Windows forms, and movement.
To draw on any of your shapes, click on the Drawing menu option at the top of the screen. This opens the Drawing Toolbox, offering you a variety of brush shapes and sizes that you can use to jazz up your shapes.
If you are designing an application, Screen Shapes and Controls allows you to place Windows form controls that replicate the look and feel of the finished product. Click on the WinForm menu option to open the Windows Form Controls Toolbox. Here, you may select a variety of form controls to add to your scene, including buttons, checkboxes, text and list boxes, even calendars.
You can place shapes into your scene as static elements, but you can also animate them by using the Control menu option. Click this option to invoke the Scene Controller window, where you can specify the length and direction of movement of the selected shape.
To rotate an image, set it as the background image of a shape and then click that shape once to make it the last clicked shape on screen. Then choose the "Image(R)" top menu option which will toggle a controller shaped like a filled circle which can be dragged in a circular path to rotate the background image of the last selected shape. Then you can save that image (rotated) by right clicking its container shape and selecting the appropriate menu option from the Background Image menu.
Any shape can be made click throughable and then set back to be click aware. To make a shape click throughable you need to use the "Click Through Options" menu options. This would be great for your 3D modelling work for example where you can put a background image on a shape, draw something on it, change its opacity then make it click throughable. This would allow you to create your work on the underlying 3D modelling application using the shape and its overlaying content as a guide. You can even set the (click throughable) shape to cover the entire screen.
There are two ways in which you can set the background color of a shape. Either using the quick color picker or using the normal color picker. Both color pickers can be activated/deactivated using the context menu of any shape.

Once activated, the quick color picker will stay docked at the right side of the screen allowing a quick color setting for any clicked shape: simply click a shape and then drag the slider on the quick color picker to set the background color on that shape. The normal, more featured color picker, also allows to set the opacity of a shape as well as its color by choosing from the full RGB color range.
Once you decide that a scene is finished, you can make an image snapshot for that scene by pressing the "Save" button situated on the right side of the main application window. The snapshot will be saved on your computer Desktop under the PNG format to preserve transparency. This means that you can literally "create an image snapshot of your scene" at a click of a button.
3. Publishing Shapes and Scenes
Click on the Publish menu option to bring up the Publish window.
Here, you can specify the temporary and final deployment locations for your shapes and scenes.
This window contains important information regarding file and folder management related to the temporary and final deployment locations.
After you click on the ‘Start Publishing’ button, your shapes and scenes are published in the temporary directory you have chosen and are ready for deployment.
You can publish both scenes and (created) shapes. To select which shape and which scene you want to publish you have to right click it and select the 'Mark For Publishing' menu options. The Publish window will analyze which shapes and scenes are marked for publishing and will know to publish only those.
4. Shape/Scene/Web Browser
The top address bar allows you to load and show any published shape or scene. You can even browse to web pages to retrieve their images which you can either save or add as background images for your shapes.

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