Discussion Thread
Screen Calipers
Message Thread
The accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit.
Posted in the Screen Calipers Forum.
Needed for UPC measurement
Unfortunately, the demo version doesn't give enough info to allow us to evaluate if it does what we need. We are in the business of creating and producing packaging artwork for large consumer retail product companies and need to measure bar width reduction amounts on live UPC's. We need to know if the software will display at least 3 decimal digits when measuring inches. (i.e. the first bar of an 80% UPC with a .001 BWR would measure .009") We are also measuring traps and print minimums from .002" on up.
Any answers on this would be helpful as the reason we are looking into this software is to avoid using a millimeter conversion since Acrobat only measures down to .010" in inches currently and has no plans to expand the measurement capabilities at this time.
J Schramm Dartt
Needed for UPC measurement
Thanks for your message J. If you are using a PC the latest version 4.0 will allow you to set custom measurements which can be set to 4 decimal places. From the sounds of it the Calipers should be a perfect solution for you. We also offer a 30 day no hassel gaurentee, so if you do have problems you can return the software.
PLease let me know if this answers your questions.
Needed for UPC measurement
We are Mac based, so are these functions currently available on the Mac platform?
Needed for UPC measurement
Unfortunatly the Mac version is earlier, and is more limited in the scope of the trial.