Clipstory Help

Clipboard with History - unlimited copy and paste

Clipstory Help

I. There are two tabs in the main application window:

    - one tab page is called "Clipboard State and History" - for the usual Clipboard activities like handling the Clipboard History, managing the current state of the Clipboard and viewing Clipboard elements.

    - one tab page is called "Define Filters" in which you can define filters or listeners which come into play when a new clipboard element appears in the Clipboard.


II. "Clipboard State and History" tab contains:

a. The command bar for the Clipboard State which can:

    - load Clipboard State elements from file (Clipstory's own format) using the "Load From File" button.

    - save Clipboard State elements to the default file (Clipstory's own format) using the "Save Clipboard" button.

    - save a copy of the Clipboard State elements to a file you select from the disk. The format of the file is Clipstory's own format.

    - removes all elements from the Clipboard.

    - makes the Clipboard State invisible and then the button turns itself into . Pressing the makes the Clipboard State visible again and the button turns itself into a .

    - switches the position of the Clipboard State command bar with the Clipboard State container section. Then the button turns itself into a . If this is pressed again then it switches the position of the Clipboard State container section with the Clipboard State command bar and turns itself into a .

b. The Clipboard State shows the actual elements in the Clipboard

Please notice that there can be more than one element in the Clipboard (different formats).

    - the button allows you to save only that Clipboard element to a file you select.

    - the button shows the contents of the selected clip in the Clipstory main viewer.

c. The Bottom section of Clipstory (first tab) contains the Clipboard Section and the Clip information section

    - the button partially hides the Clipboard History section horizontally. If pressed once will transform into the button which shows the Clipboard History section horizontally.

    - the button hides the Clipboard History section vertically. If pressed once will transform into the button which shows the Clipboard History section vertically.

    - the button loads Clipboard History elements from a file to which you previously saved Clipboard History elements using the button.

    - the button saves the Clipboard History elements to the default file. From the default file, the Clipboard History items are saved when Clipstory closes and are loaded when Clipstory starts

    - the button saves the Clipboard History elements to a file of your choice. Then you can use the button to load the Clipboard History elements from that file.

    - the button clears all the Clipboard History elements stored in Clipstory. A question will popup up first and if you agree then all elements are deleted.

    - the button enables you to search a text you enter in the search box above this button. If a matching history element is found among the Clipboard History elements then that history element will have its Type value coloured in Red: TEXT, BITMAP, AUDIO, FILES, BINARY.

    - the button clears the search results by turning all Clipboard History elements from red to black.

    - you can also increase/decrease horizontally the History section as much as you like, making more space for the clip viewers

    - the TEXT/HTML, FILE and BINARY viewers have a scroll bar at the right of the screen which you can use to set the magnification of the viewers content: this way you can zoom in on the text/html, files, binary content.

    - right clicking on any of the Clipboard History elements will popup the following contextual menu:


    - the Description and Key options can be used to enter a text for the selected Clipboard History element. This text can then be seen in the lower section of the Clip Information section (the Clipstory viewer).

    - the "Remove From History" option removes the selected item from the Clipboard History section

    - the "Add To Clipboard State" option adds the selected item from the Clipboard History section to the Clipboard State. But first the Clipboard State (the Clipboard) is cleared and then the element is added.

    - the "Append To Clipboard State" option appends the selected item from the Clipboard History section to the Clipboard State. This means that if other elements (except a Binary clip element) exists in the Clipboard State (in the Clipboard) then those elements stay in the Clipboard State (in the Clipboard) and the new element is added to it.

    - the "Join Selected Text Clips" option should be accessed after selecting at least two TEXT clips from the History section. It will create a new Text clip which will contain the contents of the selected clips joined together.

    - the "Add Description to Text" option adds the description field of a TEXT clip to the actual content of that TEXT clip.

    - the "Add Key to Text" option adds the key field of a TEXT clip to the actual content of that TEXT clip.

    - the "Select Color for This Clip" option allows the selection of a color for the currently selected clip or clips from the History section.

Note: A Binary element exists on its own in the Clipboard State because it is usually built from several other "unknown" clipboard elements. "Unknown" here means that the clip is not a TEXT, HTML, IMAGE, FILE or AUDIO clip.


III. "Define Filters" tab:

a. allows you to define listeners:

What are the listeners (or the filters)?

A listener (or a filter) is basically and entity you define which is capable of handling clipboard elements of the listener's type.

General things about listeners:

Usually you define listeners for storing clipboard elements in a custom file.

You are in charge of defining your own listeners.

There can be more listeners of the same type (as many as you want).

Each window in which you define listeners has STEPS marked in red helping you with the next step in the listener definition..

Each listener can be disabled using the "Enabled" checkbox in the listener definition window.

All listener types (except TEXT) make use of pattern fields:


This means that when defining a listener you will need to specify a file name or folder name in which to store the Clipboard elements (images, audios, binaries, files and html pages). You can use one of these fields to specify the file/folder name and these fields will be replaced by their actual meaning:

    - &DAY - will be replaced by the current day

    - &MONTH - will be replaced by the current month

    - &YEAR - will be replaced by the current year

    - &GUID - will be replaced by a unique identifier which is a random 32 character text

    - &NEXTNUMBER - will be replaced by the next number which should be used for that Clipboard element. This way you can have files names like the following: imageFromClipboard_1.html, imageFromClipboard_2.html, imageFromClipboard_3.html and so on.

b. contains the Command section for defining and handling the listeners:

            The add listener commands are straight forward.

            The Load/Save/Remove/Clear commands affect the existing listeners.

c. contains a list with all the listeners you define:

d. Presenting the listeners:

Text Listener

A text listener is handling all Clipboard Text elements by copying them to to a custom file which you specify in the listener's definition window:

Web Page Listener

A Web Page listener is handling all Clipboard Html elements by copying them to a specified folder under the specified file name (specified by pattern).

Audio Listener

An Audio listener is handling all Clipboard Audio elements by copying them to a specific folder under a specified file name (specified by pattern).

Image Listener

An Image listener is handling all Clipboard Image elements by copying them to a specific folder under a specified file name (specified by pattern).

You can specify the format under which the listener is going to to save the images :

Binary Listener

A Binary listener is handling all Clipboard Binary ("unknown") elements by copying them to a specific folder under a specified file name (specified by pattern).

File Listener

A File listener is handling all Clipboard File elements by copying them physically (or just creating a file name) in a specific folder. The folder name can be specified either simply in the "Folder (Full Path)"  field or by using a pattern folder like bellow (look at the "Folder Name (pattern)" field):


IV. Application Settings

a. General Information

The "Save" button at the top saves all existing settings from all tabs in the Settings window.

Individual "Save" buttons (from each tab) save only the setting existing in the tab the "Save" button exist.

b. Keyboard settings:

Here you can define your own key combinations or use the default ones to access the stored items in the application's History:

    - CTRL + SHIFT + C - adds item from History to Clipboard State. First clears Clipboard content then adds element to Clipboard.

    - CTRL + SHIFT + A - appends item from History to Clipboard (existing elements are also maintained).

    - CTRL + SHIFT + I - shows the current Clipboard State

    - CTRL + SHIFT + L - clears the Clipboard State

    - CTRL + SHIFT + UP - goes to the next element (upwards) in the Clipboard History

    - , CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN - goes to the next element (downwards) in the Clipboard History

In this window there is also a checkbox called: "Browse Clipboard History and automatically add selected history element to Clipboard state" which is used to add elements to clipboard as you are browsing the Clipboard History.

c. Application Settings

    Contains general application settings:

    - the "Start Clipstory on System Startup Minimized" option allows starting Clipstory minimized in the System tray at System Startup. This option does not need the "Save" button to be pressed.

    - the "Hovering over ..." options control what will be seen when you hover over the Clipstory tray icon: the "Clipboard State" or the "History" current selection. This option does need the save button to be pressed in order for the changes to take effect.

d. Clipboard Behaviour

    Contains the "Read HTML from Clipboard" option which specifies whether to consider Web Page elements or not when pressing: CTRL+A and the CTRL+C in the browser. If this option is unchecked then only the TEXT from the Web Page is considered when pressing CTRL+A and the CTRL+C in the browser.

e. Audio Settings

    Allows you to define the sounds which to be played when a new clip is added to Clipstory. There is already a default sound that comes with Clipstory installation and is called "DingLing.wav". This sound can be replaced by using the Browse button and selecting another sound file. Clipstory understand "wav" files.

    - the button restores the selection to the "DingLing.wav" sound file which comes with the Clipstory installation.

    - the buttons can be used to male the same sound file selection for the previous and next clip items. For example if we have something selected in the HTML item sound file box then we can use the up and down buttons to make the same selection in the TEXT (use the Up button) and the IMAGE (use the Down button) clips.

    - the button is used to remove the current sound file selection.

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