Line Reader Help

Turn your mouse into a helper line, to easily guide your eyes while reading long documents.

Line Reader Help
Line Reader

You can use Line Reader to:

Read text easily by attaching a line (a.k.a the Line Reader) to the mouse pointer. You can also activate a Helper Line which will appear at the top of the Line Reader at a user defined distance. You can set the color, width and height of the Line Reader and Helper Line and you can also set the mouse position relative to the Line Reader. You can also Flip the Line Reader and the Helper Line.

Activate up to 30 Multiple Lines (parallel to the Line Reader). Actively set the distance between these lines using the "Distance From Mouse Pointer" track bar from the Helper Line tab. This way you can measure the distance between two controls and also see if they are distanced at the same value from each other (both for vertical and horizontal checks). These multi lines can be flipped just like the line reader can.

Hide mouse cursor. However this functionality works only if the Line Reader is activated and the minimum for both the Line Reader width and Line Reader height is 2. So the mouse will not be hidden if at least one of these (Line Reader width or Line Reader height)  is 1.

Move mouse cursor from keys. You can define by how much to move the mouse cursor up, down, left and right.

Use color filters for Line Reader. Simply enable using the extra features (Line Reader tab) and also the color filtering section (Line Reader Extra Features tab) .

Use Zoom Factor from 2 to 36 for Line Reader. This can be used combined with the Color Filtering functionality.

Take snapshots of your screen using a Color Filter. Take snapshots at the press of a button or using a timer.

Take snapshots of the Line Reader when using a Color Filter on the Line Reader. Take snapshots at the press of a button or using a timer.

Measure items on the screen by activating the Measurement window.

Draw lines on the screen and have these lines follow the mouse pointer.

Magnify items on the screen by activating the Magnifier window. You can also see the color

Make the Magnifier window as big or as small as you want.

View RGB, HSL, HEX and WEB SAFE color values for the color under the mouse pointer (Magnifier Window - 'Colors' Checkbox).

Use 'Tag Along' windows which follow the mouse pointer and which contain :

- TEXT - the text 'Tag Along' window contains some text you set in it allowing you to easily see that text and not having to switch windows

- REMINDER - the reminder 'Tag Along' window allows the definition of a reminder date, time , reason and text allowing you to remember a special date or hour to which you have to take a certain action.

- IMAGE - the image 'Tag Along window allows you to add an image which will follow the mouse pointer where ever it goes constantly reminding you of some one or some action you have to take.

Set the width and height of the 'Tag Along' windows.

Have the Line Reader properties, Helper Line, Measurement Window, Magnifier Window and Tag Along windows restored when you restart your computer.

Create, Select and Apply Profiles. You can create profiles containing the current runtime application values and save these under a name (the profile name). Then you can select and apply these profiles.

Use Shortcut Keys to activate/deactivate the functionalities above.

General Usage

- Read text easily by attaching a line (a.k.a the Line Reader) to the mouse pointer.

- Attach multiple parallel lines to the Line Reader

- Use color filtering for the Line Reader

- Take Snapshots of the screen and also from the Line Reader

- Measure items on the screen by activating the Measurement window.

- Magnify items on the screen by activating the Magnifier window.

- View current pixel color (shows RGB, HSL, HEX and WEB SAFE values for the pixel under the mouse cursor)

- Use Text, Reminder or Image 'Tag Along' windows to follow the mouse pointer.

- Hide the mouse cursor

- Move mouse cursor using key combinations (for example : CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT is the default combination for moving the mouse to the right)

- Use Shortcut Keys to activate/deactivate the functionalities above

- Create profiles and select and apply created profiles from a list

Line Reader Explained
Tag Along windows

    - Text 'Tag Along'

    - Reminder 'Tag Along'

    - Image 'Tag Along'

Trial Information

    The trial version has the following limitations:

    - the Line Reader has a limited width and height of 150 pixels. The full version has width/height set to 2048/2048

    - the 'Tag along' windows have limited width and height (very small). The full version has width/height set to 250/250.

     - the measurement line which you can draw is always white and has a limited height of 2 pixels. In the full version you can set it to the height and color of the Line Reader.

    - the Color Filtering functionality for the Line Reader is locked on the "Inverse" color filter. Taking snapshots from Screen or the Line Reader is also limited to the "Inverse" color filter. In the full version you can use all color filters.

    - the Zoom Factor for the Line Reader is limited to a maximum of 2. In the full version this can go from 2 to 36.

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